Søk: 'Economic and Financial Decisions Under Risk'
The Economic Legacy of Hyman Minski: Financial fragility and investment in the capitalism economy
ISBN 9781840643589 , 2001 , Riccardo Bellofiore, Piero Ferri, Riccardo Ferri
Political risk and the multinational company: concepts, theories and evidence
ISBN 9788251928571 , 2012 , Jo Jakobsen
Financial Accounting Theory
ISBN 9780132984669 , 2014 , William R. Scott
Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy: European Edition
ISBN 9780077129422 , 2011 , Sheridan Titman, Mark Grinblatt, David Hillier
International Financial Management
ISBN 9781408032299 , 2011 , Jeff Madura, Roland Fox, A. Fox
Financial Accounting and Reporting 12e
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Economic Growth
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Financial Markets and Institutions
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Intermediate Financial Theory
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Risk Management and Governance: Concepts, Guidelines and Applications
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Uncertainty in risk assessment, risk management, and decision making
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Making Management Decisions
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Kreativ under press
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MNCs and Modern Financial Management
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Corporate Financial Accounting and Reporting
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International Financial Reporting and Analysis
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Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis
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Managing risk
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Risk Revisited
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Economic Development
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Transboundary Risk Governance
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Financial Risk Management in Banking: The Theory & Application of Asset & Liability Management
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Financial Theory and Corporate Policy: Pearson New International Edition
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Operational Risk and Resilience: Understanding and Minimising Operational Risk to Secure Shareholder Value
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Developmental Psychopathology: Risk, disorder, and adaptation
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Economic Approaches to Organisations
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Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy
ISBN 9780077119027 , 2008 , Sheridan Titman, Mark Grinblatt, David Hillier
Financial Markets and Institutions
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Financial Modelling and Asset Valuation with Excel
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Valuation: The Art and Science of Corporate Investment Decisions
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