Søk: 'Education for the Manufacturing World of the Future'
The Search for a Nonviolent Future: A Promise for Peace for Ourselves, Our Families, and Our World
ISBN 9781930722408 , 2004 , Michael Nagler
Western Muslims and the Future of Islam
ISBN 9780195183566 , 2005 , Tariq Ramadan
The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra: The 12th ICMI Study
ISBN 9789048177875 , 2010 , Kaye Stacey, Helen Chick, Margaret Kendal
The Timechart History of the World
ISBN 9781861189066 , 2004 , Third Millennium Press, Limited,m.fl.
The Politics of Mathematics Education
ISBN 9789027723505 , 1987 , Stieg Mellin-Olsen
Diversity in Engineering: Managing the Workforce of the Future
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A History of the Modern World
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The Future of God: A Practical Approach to Spirituality for Our Times
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The Future of God: A Practical Approach to Spirituality for Our Times
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The World of Ancient Art
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Snare: A Novel of the Far Future
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Globalization and the Future of Labour Law
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Governance for Sustainable Development: A Foundation for the Future
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Governance for Sustainable Development: A Foundation for the Future
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The Future of the Internet: And How to Stop It
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The World of "the Dark Crystal"
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The World of Buddhism
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Mountains of the World
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The Past, the Present, and the Future of the European Union
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Danny the Champion of the World
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The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More
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Children, their world, their education: final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review
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Snare: A Novel of the Far Future
ISBN 9780002246170 , 2003 , Katharine Kerr
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web
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ISBN 9780140868678 , 1999 , Roald Dahl
The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra: The 12th ICMI Study
ISBN 9781402081309 , 2004 , Kaye Stacey, Helen Chick, Margaret Kendal
The Future of the Internet---And How to Stop It
ISBN 9780300144772 , 2008 , Jonathan Zittrain
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World
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Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local
ISBN 9780742523807 , 2003 , Robert F. Arnove, Carlos Alberto Torres
A little history of the world
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