Søk: 'Electric and Magnetic Circuits'
The analysis and design of linear circuits
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Electric Vehicle Technology Explained
ISBN 9780470851630 , 2003 , John Lowry, J. C. Larminie
Foundations of Electronics, Circuits and Devices
ISBN 9780827359710 , 1994 , Russell L. Meade
Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits
ISBN 9780072283655 , 2003 , David A. Hodges, Horace G. Jackson,m.fl.
As Physics: Electrical Circuits
ISBN 9781844896790 , 2008 , J. Miller, Sophie Jacobi
A Handbook of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
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Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits
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Dielectrics in Electric Fields
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CMOS digital integrated circuits: analysis and design
ISBN 9780072460537 , 2002
Circuits of Visibility: Gender and Transnational Media Cultures
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Circuits of Visibility: Gender and Transnational Media Cultures
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A First Lab in Circuits and Electronics
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Microelectronics: Digital and Analog Circuits and Systems
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Solar Magnetic Fields: Polarized Radiation Diagnostics
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Design of Propulsion and Electric Power Generation Systems
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Electric Power Systems: A First Course
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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
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Modeling and High-Performance Control of Electric Machines
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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
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Fundamentals of Analog Circuits
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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Neurochronometrics of Mind
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Electric Drives: An Integrative Approach
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Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits
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Electric Machines: Theory, Operation, Applications, Adjustment, and Control
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SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, Second Edition
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CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective
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Foundations of Electronics Circuits & Devices
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Practical Troubleshooting of Electrical Equipment and Control Circuits
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Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits
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Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, International Student Ve
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