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Automobility: Social Changes in the American South, 1909-1939
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Advances in Mathematical Finance
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Principles of corporate finance
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Binomial Models in Finance
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Variations in business and economic history: essays in honor of Donald L. Kemmerer
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Man's Inhumanity to Man: Essays on International Law in Honour of Antonio Cassese
ISBN 9789041119865 , 2003 , Antonio Cassese, Lal Chand Vohrah, Fausto Pocar,m.fl.
Globalizing capital: a history of the international monetary system
ISBN 9780691002453 , 1998 , Barry J. Eichengreen
Ascendancy and Tradition in Anglo-Irish Literary History from 1789 to 1939
ISBN 9780198128069 , 1985 , W. J. McCormack
An Architectural Progress in the Renaissance and Baroque Sojourns in and Out of Italy: Essays in Architectural History
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The Refugee in International Law
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Principles of Corporate Finance
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Inventing International Society: A History of the English School
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Mastering finance: the complete finance companion
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Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation
ISBN 9780470454701 , 2010
Irish Writing: An Anthology of Irish Literature in English ; 1789 - 1939
ISBN 9780192840387 , 2004 , Stephen Regan
Virtue, Commerce, and History: Essays on Political Thought and History, Chiefly in the Eighteenth Century
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The Ebbing of European Ascendancy: An International History of the World 1914-1945
ISBN 9780340555668 , 2002 , Sally Marks
In Defence Of History
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Essays on the Quality of Life
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Handbook of Research in International Marketing
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Major problems in American history since 1945: documents and essays
ISBN 9780395868508 , 2001 , Robert Griffith, Paula C. Baker
Liberty and Socialism: Writings of Libertarian Socialists in Hungary, 1884-1919
ISBN 9780847676804 , 1991 , János M. Bak, András Bozóki, Miklós Sukosd
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
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Kiplinger's Retire Worry-Free: Money-Smart Ways to Build the Nest Egg You'll Need
ISBN 9781427797186 , 2008 , The Editors of Kiplinger's Personal Finance
Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation
ISBN 9780470074282 , 2006
Public Finance
ISBN 9780071267885 , 2010 , Harvey S. Rosen, Ted Gayer