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African Americans at the crossroads: the restructuring of Black leadership and the 1992 elections
ISBN 9780896084681 , 1994 , Clarence Lusane
A Church in Captivity: The Greek Orthodox Church of America
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Ethnic groups and boundaries: the social organization of culture difference
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The Multicultural Riddle: Rethinking National, Ethnic and Religious Identities
ISBN 9780203906637 , 2004 , Gerd Baumann
Abuse and neglect: the educator's guide to the identification and prevention of child maltreatment
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Ethnic Groups in Motion: Economic Competition and Migration in Multi-Ethnic States
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Diplomacy on the Edge: Containment of Ethnic Conflict and the Minorities Working Group of the Conferences on Yugoslavia
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Observations on the Importance of Greek Literature and the Best Method of Studying the Classics: Tra
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Asian Americans and the Law: Historical and Contemporary
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Fuzzy Logic, Identification and Predictive Control
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African Americans and Us Popular Culture
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The Multicultural Riddle: Rethinking National, Ethnic, and Religious Identities
ISBN 9780415922135 , 1999 , Gerd Baumann
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English-Greek, Greek-English Dictionary with Pronunciation
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English-Greek, Greek-English Dictionary with Pronunciation
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Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference
ISBN 9780881339796 , 1969 , Fredrik Barth
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The Rough Guide to the Greek Islands 5
ISBN 9781843532590 , 2004 , Mark Ellingham, Marc Dubin, Lance Chilton
The British Museum Pocket Dictionary of Greek & Roman Gods & Goddesses
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Multimedia Communication Technology: Representation, Transmission and Identification of Multimedia Signals
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Ethnic Conflict and Religion: Challenge to the Churches
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A Bibliography of Greek New Testament Manuscripts
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Ancient Non-Greek Rhetorics
ISBN 9781602350946 , 2009 , Carol S. Lipson, Roberta A. Binkley
Ancient Non-Greek Rhetorics
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Communicate in Greek
ISBN 9789608464087 , 2002 , Kleànthis Arvanitàkis, Froso Arvanitaki
Greek Prose Style
ISBN 9781853995262 , 1998 , J.D. Denniston