Søk: 'European Cinema'
New Hollywood Cinema: An Introduction
ISBN 9780231127585 , 2002
Acting in the Cinema
ISBN 9780520071940 , 1990 , James Naremore
Cinema 1: The Movement Image
ISBN 9780826459411 , 2001 , Gilles Deleuze
China on Screen: Cinema And Nation
ISBN 9780231137072 , 2006 , Chris Berry, Mary Ann Farquhar
Rendezvous of European legal cultures
ISBN 9788245008401 , 2010 , Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde, Knut Einar Skodvin
Psychiatry and the Cinema
ISBN 9780226277912 , 1990 , Krin Gabbard, Glen O. Gabbard
International Relations and the European Union
ISBN 9780199544806 , 2011 , Christopher Hill
The Ancient World in the Cinema
ISBN 9780300083378 , 2001 , Jon Solomon
A Cinema Miscellany: England II
ISBN 9781901425796 , 2002 , Brian Hornsey
The European World 1500-1800
ISBN 9780415628648 , 2013 , Beat Kumin
Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780273772729 , 2013 , Michael R. Solomon, Soren Askegaard,m.fl.
Kino-Magie / Cinema Magic: Zoo Palast Berlin
ISBN 9783865051967 , 2010 , Christine Kisorsy, Michael Althen
Economics: European Edition
ISBN 9780716799566 , 2007 , Paul R. Krugman, Robin Wells, Kathryn Graddy
Screen Consciousness: Cinema, Mind And World
ISBN 9789042020160 , 2006 , Robert Pepperell, Michael Punt
Australian national cinema [electronic resource]
ISBN 9780415057301 , 1996 , Tom O'Regan
Nineteenth Century European Art
ISBN 9780131886438 , 2006 , Petra Ten-Doesschate Chu
Giavazzi and Blanchard: Macroeconomics A European Perspective
ISBN 9780273728009 , 2010 , Olivier Blanchard, Francesco Giavazzi,m.fl.
European Union Politics
ISBN 9780199248360 , 2003 , Michelle Cini
Indiewood, USA: where Hollywood meets independent cinema
ISBN 9781845118259 , 2009
Soviet Cinema: Politics and Persuasion Under Stalin
ISBN 9781848850095 , 2009 , Jamie Miller
Theories of European Integration
ISBN 9780312231200
European Community Law
ISBN 9780421798502 , 2003 , J. Hanlon
Visible Fictions: Cinema, Television, Video
ISBN 9780415075138 , 1992 , John Ellis
Macroeconomics: European Approach
ISBN 9780273651635 , 2003 , Manfred Gärtner
Marketing Communications: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780273721383 , 2010 , Patrick De Pelsmacker, Maggie Geuens,m.fl.
Akira Kurosawa and Intertextual Cinema
ISBN 9780801846618 , 1993 , James Goodwin
Recent Releases: The Bible in Contemporary Cinema
ISBN 9781906055363 , 2008
Behind The Scenes Of Hindi Cinema
ISBN 9789068321869 , 2005
Key Controversies in European Integration
ISBN 9781137006141 , 2012 , Hubert Zimmermann, Andreas Dur
Sessue Hayakawa: Silent Cinema and Transnational Stardom
ISBN 9780822339694 , 2007 , Daisuke Miyao