Søk: 'European Union History: Themes and Debates'
Integration, Growth, and Cohesion in an Enlarged European Union
ISBN 9781441919885 , 2010 , John Bradley, George G. Petrakos, Julia Traistaru
Constitutional Law and Economics in the European Union
ISBN 9781858985985 , 1997 , Dieter Schmidtchen, Robert Cooter
History of European Drama and Theatre
ISBN 9780415180603 , 2004 , Erica Fischer-Lichte, Jo Riley
A new agenda?: the European Union and cultural policy
ISBN 9780955880438 , 2009 , Hans Erik Naess
The European Union and the Regulation of Media Markets
ISBN 9780719066450 , 2006 , Alison Harcourt
The European Union and British Politics: Contemporary Political Studies
ISBN 9780333981214 , 2003 , Judge Andrew Geddes
Adjustment and Growth in the European Monetary Union
ISBN 9780521440196 , 1993 , Francesco Giavazzi, Francisco S. Torres
Understanding Development: Issues and Debates
ISBN 9780745638942 , 2012 , Paul Hopper
European Monetary Union: Europe's Greatest Gamble
ISBN 9780850489743 , 1997 , Richard Buckley, Christopher Taylor
The European Union: How Does It Work?
ISBN 9780199206391 , 2008 , Elizabeth E. Bomberg, Alexander C-G. Stubb,m.fl.
Law Making in the European Union
ISBN 9789041196835 , 1998 , Professor Paul Craig, Carol Harlow
The SAGE Handbook of European Union Politics
ISBN 9781412908757 , 2007 , Knud Erik Jørgensen, Mark A. Pollack,m.fl.
Representing Interests in the European Union
ISBN 9780333693520 , 1997
Integration, Growth, and Cohesion in an Enlarged European Union
ISBN 9780387228532 , 2004 , John Bradley, George Petrakos, Iulia Traistaru
The Eastern Enlargement of the European Union
ISBN 9780415543354 , 2009 , O'Brennan John, John O' Brennan
The International Relations of the European Union
ISBN 9780582472938 , 2004
Education and Technology: Key Issues and Debates
ISBN 9781441150363 , 2011 , Neil Selwyn
European Union Law and British Tax: Which Comes First?
ISBN 9781903219645 , 2003 , Alistair Craig
The Competition Policy in the European Union
ISBN 9780230006751 , 2008 , Michelle Cini, Lee McGowan
Understanding the European Union: A Concise Introduction
ISBN 9781403944511 , 2005 , John Dr McCormick
Organizational Collaboration: Themes and Issues
ISBN 9780415671408 , 2011 , MariaLaura Di Domenico, Nik Winchester,m.fl.
Developments in the European Union: Second Edition
ISBN 9780333961698 , 2004 , 2. utgave , Maria Green Cowles, Desmond Dinan
Navigating by the stars: Norway, the European Economic Area and the European Union
ISBN 9789290793700 , 2002 , Stephen Woolcock
Access to European Union: Law, Economics, Policies
ISBN 9782930119434 , 2007 , Nicholas Moussis
Equality Law in an Enlarged European Union
ISBN 9780511363900 , 2007 , Helen Meenan
The Government and Politics of the European Union: Seventh Edition
ISBN 9780230241176 , 2010 , 7. utgave , Neill Nugent
A European Welfare State?: European Union Social Policy in Context
ISBN 9780333698914 , 2002 , Mark Kleinman
Environmental Policy-Making In Britain, Germany and the European Union
ISBN 9780719073342 , 2006 , Rüdiger K. W. Wurzel
Access To European Union: Law, Economics, Policies
ISBN 9782930119380 , 2005 , Nicholas Moussis
A Simplified Treaty for the European Union
ISBN 9781903403037 , 2005 , Kim Feus