Søk: 'Evaluating Electronic Portfolios in Teacher Education (Hc)'
ISBN 9781844893478 , 2006 , Moyra Grant
Culture, Motivation and Learning: A Multicultural Perspective (Hc)
ISBN 9781593116996 , 2007 , Farideh Salili, Rumjahn Hoosain
The Skillful Teacher: On Technique, Trust, and Responsiveness in the Classroom
ISBN 9780787980665 , 2006 , Stephen D. Brookfield
Researching Higher Education
ISBN 9780335241835 , 2012 , Malcolm Tight
To Teach: The Journey of a Teacher
ISBN 9780807750636 , 2010 , William Ayers
Electronic Texts in the Humanities: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780198711957 , 2000 , Susan M. Hockey
A Closer Examination of Applicant Faking Behavior (Hc)
ISBN 9781593115142 , 2006 , Daniel J. Svyantek, Richard L. Griffith,m.fl.
Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781292021126 , 2013 , John W. Creswell
Electronic Imaging Technology
ISBN 9780819430373 , 1999 , Edward R. Dougherty
Research on PBL Practice in Engineering Education
ISBN 9789087909307 , 2009 , Xiangyun Du, E. de Graaff, Kolmos A.
Research on PBL Practice in Engineering Education
ISBN 9789087909314 , 2009 , Anette Kolmos, Xiangyun Du, Erik de Graaff
Approaches to Art in Education
ISBN 9780155028968 , 1978
Impressions; teacher`s cd 1-3
ISBN 9788203330162 , 2003 , Annabelle Despard, Elisabeth Ibsen, Alf Bårtvedt
Sacred theatre [electronic resource]
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Solid State Electronic Devices
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Critical thinking: understanding and evaluating dental research
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Advocating for Children and Families in an Emerging Democracy: The Post-Soviet Experience in Lithuania (HC)
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Bridging the Knowledge Divide: Educational Technology for Development (HC)
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Motivation in education: theory, research, and applications
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Education and Power
ISBN 9780415808101 , 2011
Good Education in an Age of Measurement: Ethics, Politics, Democracy
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Statistical methods in education and psychology
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Translation studies [electronic resource]
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The Routledgefalmer Reader in Education Policy and Politics
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Beyond Learning by Doing: Theoretical Currents in Experiential Education
ISBN 9780415882088 , 2011 , Jay W. Roberts
Teaching Academic Writing in European Higher Education
ISBN 9781402012099 , 2003 , Lotte Rienecker, Lennart A. Bjork, Gerd Brauer,m.fl.
Electronic and Computer Music
ISBN 9780195170856 , 2004 , Peter Manning
The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Sociology of Education
ISBN 9780415327763 , 2003 , Stephen Ball
The Routledgefalmer Reader in the Philosophy of Education
ISBN 9780415345729 , 2005 , Wilfred Carr
English Literature Teacher Guide: Exploring the AQA Anthology
ISBN 9780007342150 , 2010 , Sarah Darragh, Phil Darragh, Mary Green,m.fl.