Søk: 'Fuzzy Logic for Embedded Systems Applications'
The Logic Book
ISBN 9780072401899 , 2003 , Jack Nelson, James Moor, Merrie Bergmann
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems: Proceedings. Worcester, MA, USA, August 12-13, 1999
ISBN 9783540666462 , 1999 , Çetin K. Koç, Christof Paar
Data Access and Storage Management for Embedded Programmable Processors
ISBN 9780792376897 , 2002 , Francky Catthoor, K. Danckaert, K. K. Kulkarni,m.fl.
Metode- og oppgaveskriving for studenter
ISBN 9788205423985 , 2012 , Olav Dalland
A First Logic Book
ISBN 9781147572896 , 2010 , Drummond Percy Chase
A First Logic Book
ISBN 9780554493299 , 2008 , Drummond Percy Chase
A First Logic Book
ISBN 9780554493374 , 2008 , Drummond Percy Chase
Fundamentals of Digital Logic
ISBN 9780071268806 , 2008 , Stephen Brown, Zvonko Vranesic
Embedded Liberalism and Its Critics
ISBN 9781403983633 , 2006 , Jens Steffek
Behavioral Intervals in Embedded Software
ISBN 9781402071355 , 2002 , Peter Gallagher, Fabian Wolf
An Introduction to Modeling of Transport Processes: Applications to Biomedical Systems
ISBN 9780521119245 , 2009 , Ashim K. Datta, Vineet Rakesh
Semiconductor Nanostructures for Optoelectronic Applications
ISBN 9781580537513 , 2004 , Todd D. Steiner
Ecology: Concepts and Applications: Concepts and Applications
ISBN 9780071317894 , 2012 , Manuel C Molles
Accounting Information Systems: Essential Concepts and Applications, 4th Ed
ISBN 9780471253525 , 1999 , 4. utgave , Joseph W. Wilkinson, Michael J. Cerullo,m.fl.
Informal Logic: A Handbook for Critical Argument
ISBN 9780521379250 , 1989 , 1. utgave , Douglas N. Walton
Nevrale nettverk, fuzzy logikk og genetiske algoritmer
ISBN 9788245602036 , 1997 , Terje Kristensen
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals
ISBN 9780131989269 , 2007 , M. Morris Mano, Charles R. Kime
Distributed Systems
ISBN 9780273760597 , 2011 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore,m.fl.
Introduction to dynamic systems: theory, models, and applications
ISBN 9780471025948 , 1979 , David G. Luenberger
Introduction to Mixed-Signal, Embedded Design
ISBN 9781441974457 , 2010 , Alex Doboli, Edward H. Currie
Advances in Modal Logic
ISBN 9781904987208 , 2006 , Guido Governatori, Ian Hodkinson, Yde Venema,m.fl.
Foundations of the Formal Sciences II: Applications of Mathematical Logic in Philosophy and Linguistics
ISBN 9781402011542 , 2003 , Benedikt Löwe, Wolfgang Malzkorn, Thoralf Räsch
Marketing for Entrepreneurs: Concepts and Applications for New Ventures
ISBN 9781452230047 , 2012 , Frederick G. Crane
Professionalism, the Third Logic
ISBN 9780745603315 , 2001 , Eliot Freidson
Project management for information systems
ISBN 9780273685807 , 2004 , Don Yeates, James. Cadle, Donald. Yeates
Information Systems
ISBN 9781111532932 , 2011 , Ralph M. Stair, George Walter Reynolds
Embedded Sustainability: The Next Big Competitive Advantage
ISBN 9780804775540 , 2011
Business logic for sustainability: a food and beverage industry perspective
ISBN 9780230551312 , 2008 , Aileen Ionescu-Somers, Ulrich Steger
Logic in Computer Science
ISBN 9780511261589 , 2004 , Mark Ryan, Michael Huth, Huth/Ryan
Language, Truth and Logic
ISBN 9780141186047 , 2001 , A. J. Ayer