Søk: 'Ghosts of Kanungu: Fertility, Secrecy & Exchange in the Great Lakes of East Africa'
A History of the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9780813340487 , 2004 , William L. Cleveland
The Social Basis of Health and Healing in Africa
ISBN 9780520066816 , 1992 , Steven Feierman, John M. Janzen,m.fl.
Researching the Language of Instruction in Tanzania and South Africa
ISBN 9781920051082 , 2004 , Birgit Brock-Utne, Zubeida Desai,m.fl.
The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography
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Female Fertility and the Body Fat Connection
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A History of Africa
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Human Rights, Regionalism and the Dilemmas of Democracy in Africa
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A history of Middle East economies in the twentieth century
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A History of the Great Massacre by the Sioux Indians, in Minnesota
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Seeds of Hope: Twelve Years of Early Intervention in Africa
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Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests in Central Africa,in Search of Excellence
ISBN 9789251049761 , 2003 , m.fl.
The Challenges of Sustained Development: The Role of Socio-Cultural Factors in East-Central Europe
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Female Fertility and the Body-Fat Connection
ISBN 9780226265452 , 2002 , Rose Epstein Frisch, Robert L. Barbieri
Archaeologies of the Middle East: Critical Perspectives
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Beware of Small States: Lebanon, Battleground of the Middle East
ISBN 9780571237425 , 2011
The code book: the science of secrecy from ancient Egypt to quantum cryptography
ISBN 9781857028799 , 1999 , Simon Singh
Africa in crisis: the causes, the cures of environmental bankruptcy
ISBN 9781853830136 , 1988 , Lloyd Timberlake
Africa South of the Sahara: 1998
ISBN 9781857430363 , 1997 , Gale Group, 27th 1998
The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy Form Ancient Agypt to Quantum Cryptography
ISBN 9781857028898 , 2000 , Simon Singh
Dietrich's ghosts: the sublime and the beautiful in Third Reich film
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A Companion to the History of the Middle East
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Karl Polanyi in Vienna: the contemporary significance of The great transformation
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National Geographic Atlas of the Middle East
ISBN 9780792250661 , 2003 , National Geographic Society, Carl Mehler
A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9781860642753 , 1998 , Roger Owen, Sevket Pamuk
Handbook of great aircraft of WWII
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The Great Hunt: Book Two of 'The Wheel of Time'
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Karl Polanyi in Vienna: The Contemporary Significance of "The Great Transformation"
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The Four Little Dragons: The Spread of Industrialization in East Asia
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State, Power and Policymaking in the Making of the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9780415297134 , 2003 , Roger Owen
Africa south of the Sahara: 1997
ISBN 9781857430295 , 1996 , Gale Group, 26th 1997