Søk: 'Henri Bertini (1798-1876) and Theodore Dohler (1814-1856)'
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A Critical and Historical Introduction to the Canonical Scriptures of the Old Testament, From the German of Wilhelm Martin Leberecht De Wette; Translated and Enlarged by Theodore Parker.
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A European experience of the Mughal Orient: the Ijaz-i-arsalani (Persian letters 1773-1779) of Antoine-Louis Henri Polier
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Sentraladministrasjonen i København og sentralorganer i Norge 1660 - 1814: administrasjon og arkiver I
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Advances in Inorganic Chemistry: Relaxometry of Water-Metal Ion Interactions
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Kommenteret bibliografi til dansk-norsk historie 1536-1814: især vedrørende centraladministrationen
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Ethics and Science: An Introduction
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Felttoget: Havherre og sjøtrell ; Flyktende kongers følge ; 1814 "Annus mirabilis"
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Cecil Dreeme
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Religiøs tro og praksis i den dansk-norske helstat fra reformasjonen til opplysningstid ca. 1500 - 1814
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Roman Empire: From the Etruscans to the Decline of the Roman Empire
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Empire romain: des étrusques au déclin de l'Empire
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A Critical and Historical Introduction to the Canonical Scriptures of the Old Testament
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