Søk: 'India Today: Economy, Politics and Society'
The Good Society: An Introduction to Comparative Politics
ISBN 9780321432179 , 2007 , Alan Draper, Ansil Ramsay
Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780199666010 , 2014 , John Ravenhill
Psychology and Work Today: International Edition
ISBN 9780205705870 , 2009 , Sydney Ellen Schultz, Duane P. Schultz.
Ecology and the politics of survival: conflicts over natural resources in India
ISBN 9780803996724 , 1991 , Vandana Shiva
Selling Today: International Version
ISBN 9780132570190 , 2011 , Gerald L. Manning, Michael Ahearne
Globalization In India: Contents And Discontents
ISBN 9788131719886 , 2010
The World that Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy, 1400 to the Present
ISBN 9780765623553 , 2012 , Kenneth Pomeranz, Steven Topik
The common mind: an essay on psychology, society, and politics
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Footprint India
ISBN 9781904777007 , 2004 , Roma Bradnock, Robert W. Bradnock
Read Japanese Today
ISBN 9784805309810 , 2008 , Len Walsh
International Political Economy: Interests and Institutions in the Global Economy
ISBN 9780205589807 , 2008 , Thomas H. Oatley
Power and Contestation: India Since 1989
ISBN 9781842778159 , 2007
A history of contemporary Italy: society and politics, 1943-1988
ISBN 9780140124965 , 1990 , Paul Ginsborg
International Political Economy: Interests and Institutions in the Global Economy
ISBN 9780205730261 , 2010 , Thomas H. Oatley
Anthropological Theory Today
ISBN 9780745620237 , 1999 , Henrietta L. Moore
Byzantium between the Ottomans and the Latins: Politics and Society in the Late Empire
ISBN 9780521877381 , 2009 , Nevra Necipoglu
Let's Go India and Nepal
ISBN 9781405033084 , 2004 , Let's Go, Inc, John Bachman
International Political Economy: Interests and Institutions in the Global Economy
ISBN 9780205559916 , 2008 , Thomas H. Oatley
Karl Polanyi: New Perspectives on the Place of Economy in Society
ISBN 9780719073328 , 2007 , Sally Randles, Mark Harvey, Ronnie Ramlogan
Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics
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Memorylands: Heritage and Identity in Europe Today
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Researching Society and Culture
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Electricity reform in China, India and Russia: the World Bank template and the politics of power
ISBN 9781843765004 , 2004 , Yi-Chong Xu
Literature and Society in Eighteenth-century England, 1680-1820: Ideology, Politics and Culture
ISBN 9780582103153 , 1998 , Robert B. Shoemaker
South India
ISBN 9781864501612 , 2001 , Paul Greenway, Richard Plunkett, Paul Harding,m.fl.
India GeoCenter World Map
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Business Communication Today
ISBN 9780131968738 , 2005 , Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill, Marilyn Shank
Human Geography Today
ISBN 9780745621890 , 1999 , Doreen Massey, Phil Sarre
Comparative Politics
ISBN 9780199665990 , 2013 , Daniele Caramani
India.: Saris, swamis and maharanis.
ISBN 9781864502466 , 2001 , Paul Greenway, Hugh Finlay, Sarina Singh,m.fl.