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National Identity and Democracy in Africa
ISBN 9789171064417 , 2000 , Mai Palmberg, Human Sciences Research Council,m.fl.
Producing Nature and Poverty in Africa
ISBN 9789171064523 , 2000 , Vigdis Broch-Due, Richard A. Schroeder
Topics in Microeconomics: Industrial Organization, Auctions, and Incentives
ISBN 9780521645348 , 1999 , Elmar Wolfstetter
Africa: Mapping New Boundaries in International Law
ISBN 9781849461177 , 2010 , Jeremy I. Levitt
Africa: Mapping New Boundaries in International Law
ISBN 9781841136189 , 2008 , Jeremy I. Levitt
ISBN 9780253209849 , 1996 , Patrick O'Meara, Phyllis Martin
Industrial development in Tanzania: some critical issues
ISBN 9789171062543 , 1987 , Rune Skarstein, Samuel M. Wangwe
Perspectives on Africa: A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation
ISBN 9781405190602 , 2010 , Roy Richard Grinker, Christopher B. Steiner,m.fl.
Beyond hunger in Africa: conventional wisdom and a vision of Africa in 2057
ISBN 9780852553459 , 1991 , Chinua Achebe, Goran Hyden
The History of Islam in Africa
ISBN 9780852557815 , 2000 , Nehemia Levtzion, Randall Lee Pouwels
Parties Without Partisans: Political Change in Advanced Industrial Democracies
ISBN 9780199253098 , 2002 , Martin P. Wattenberg
A History of Art in Africa
ISBN 9780810934481 , 2001 , Robin Poyner, Herbert M. Cole, Michael D. Harris,m.fl.
Politics and Society in Contemporary Africa
ISBN 9780333694756 , 1999 , Naomi Chazan
Burdened by Race: Coloured Identities in Southern Africa
ISBN 9781919895147 , 2009
Industrial Organization: Markets and Strategies
ISBN 9780521681599 , 2010 , Martin Peitz, Paul Belleflamme
Southern Africa
ISBN 9781740597456 , 2007 , Alan Murphy
Africa Since Independence
ISBN 9780230272880 , 2012 , Paul Nugent
Africa and Africans in the New Testament
ISBN 9780761833024 , 2006 , David Tuesday Adamo
Africa Bibliography
ISBN 9780748634415 , 2006 , T.A. Barringer
History of East Africa
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Understanding and Reducing Persistent Poverty in Africa
ISBN 9780415463898 , 2007 , Christopher B. Barrett, Peter Little,m.fl.
Africa Yearbook
ISBN 9789004144620 , 2005 , Andreas Mehler, Henning Melber,m.fl.
Governance for Development in Africa: Solving Collective Action Problems
ISBN 9781780325941 , 2013 , David Booth, Diana Cammack
Remotely Global: Village Modernity in West Africa
ISBN 9780226669694 , 1999 , Charles Piot
Industrial Organization: Markets and Strategies
ISBN 9780521862998 , 2010 , Martin Peitz, Paul Belleflamme
Industrial Hygiene Management
ISBN 9780471851288 , 1988 , Jack T. Garrett, Lewis J. Cralley,m.fl.
Industrial relations and the environment in the E.C.
ISBN 9789282646878 , 1993 , m.fl.
History of Art in Africa, A (reprint)
ISBN 9780131918313 , 2005 , Monica Blackmun Visona, Michael D. Harris,m.fl.
Prescott & Dunn's Industrial Microbiology
ISBN 9788123910017 , 2004 , 4. utgave , G. Reed
Football in Africa: Conflict, Conciliation and Community
ISBN 9780333919798 , 2004 , Gary Armstrong, Richard Giulianotti