Søk: 'International consumer behavior: its impact on marketing strategy development'
Strategy: Process, Content, Context, An International Perspective
ISBN 9781408019023 , 2010 , Bob De Wit, Ron Meyer
Principles of Marketing: International Edition
ISBN 9780137128273 , 2008 , Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong
Foundations of International Marketing
ISBN 9781861521644 , 1998 , Steve Johnston, Harold Beaton
Business Marketing: Connecting Strategy, Relationships, and Learning
ISBN 9780073529905 , 2008 , John F. Tanner, F. Robert Dwyer
The International Impact of the Boer War
ISBN 9780333948132 , 2001 , Henry Loewendahl
Nutritional Genomics: Impact on Health and Disease
ISBN 9783527312948 , 2006 , Regina Brigelius-Flohé, Hans-Georg Joost
Valuepack: Global Marketing: A Decision-Orientated Approach/ Marketing Management and Strategy
ISBN 9781405883382 , 2007 , Peter Doyle, Svend Hollensen, Phil Stern
Calculus and Its Applications: International Edition
ISBN 9780321905352 , 2013 , David I. Schneider, David Lay, Larry J. Goldstein,m.fl.
International marketing and export management
ISBN 9780273713876 , 2008 , Gerald Albaum, Edwin Duerr
Studyguide for Consumer Behavior by Schiffman, ISBN 9780130673350: 0130673358
ISBN 9781428811737 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Studyguide for Consumer Behavior by Macinnis, ISBN 9780618264827: 0618264825
ISBN 9781428804753 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, MacInnis
Encyclopedia of International Development
ISBN 9780415674003 , 2011 , Tim Forsyth
Business Marketing: Connecting Strategy, Relationships, and Learning
ISBN 9780071263436 , 2008 , F.Robert Dwyer, John F. Tanner
A Fish Biologist's Impact on National Security
ISBN 9781418430467 , 2004 , Howard A. Schuck
Marketing Research: An International Approach
ISBN 9780273646358 , 2006 , Sven Hollensen, Dr. Svend Hollensen,m.fl.
Handbook of Research in International Marketing
ISBN 9780077117382 , 2008 , Subhash C. Jain, Dr. Patrik Jonsson,m.fl.
Ie International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior
ISBN 9780324360752 , 2007 , Nancy J. Adler, Allison Gundersen
International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior
ISBN 9780324057867 , 2001 , Nancy Adler
International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior
ISBN 9780324125597 , 2001 , Nancy J. Adler
AIDS, impact on public policy: an international forum--policy, politics, and AIDS
ISBN 9780306425400 , 1986 , Robert F. Hummel,m.fl.
International marketing and export management
ISBN 9780273686347 , 2005 , Jesper Strandskov, Gerald S. Albaum,m.fl.
A Quick Start Guide to Social Media Marketing: High-Impact, Low-Cost Marketing That Works
ISBN 9780749457587 , 2010 , Neil Richardson, Angela Carroll
Business Marketing: Connecting Strategy, Relationships, and Learning
ISBN 9780072865783 , 2005 , John F. Tanner, F. Robert Dwyer
Geographies and Moralities: International Perspectives on Development, Justice and Place
ISBN 9781405116374 , 2004 , Roger Lee, David Marshall Smith
ISBN 9781408082676 , 2014 , Bob De Wit, Ron Meyer
International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior
ISBN 9780538861366 , 1996 , Nancy Adler
The Human Impact: On the Natural Environment
ISBN 9780631199786 , 2000 , Andrew Goudie
Consumer Culture
ISBN 9780745643304 , 2011 , Celia Lury
Physiology of Behavior: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292023205 , 2013
Consumer Behaviour: A European Outlook
ISBN 9780273736950 , 2011 , Leon G. Schiffman, Leslie Kanuk, Havard Hansen