Søk: 'Islamic contestations: essays on Muslims in India and Pakistan'
New directions in Islamic thought: exploring reform and Muslim tradition
ISBN 9781845117399 , 2008 , Kari Vogt, Lena Larsen, Christian Moe
Constructing Bangladesh: Religion, Ethnicity, And Language in an Islamic Nation
ISBN 9780807830215 , 2006 , Sufia M. Uddin
ISBN 9783575032096 , 2004 , GeoCenter International, Limited,m.fl.
ISBN 9788854400290 , 2004 , Adrian C. Mayer
Marriage On Trial: A Study of Islamic Family Law
ISBN 9781860646089 , 2000 , Ziba Mir-Hosseini
ISBN 9788291101811 , 2003 , Richard Borge, David Cumming, Chris Fairclough
India Today: Economy, Politics and Society
ISBN 9780745661124 , 2012 , Craig Jeffrey
"Scattered Cedars in a Western Town": Interviews with Lebanese Muslims on the Family, Ethnicity, Gender and Racism
ISBN 9780333770955 , 2000 , Andrew Heywood
Western Muslims and the Future of Islam
ISBN 9780195183566 , 2005 , Tariq Ramadan
ISBN 9788203308796 , 2002 , Peter Garde, Gerd Bjerknes
ISBN 9788203308802 , 2002 , Peter Garde, Gerd Bjerknes, Øystein Vigestad
ISBN 9780751333565 , 2002 , Roshen Dalal
Hellig vrede: min reise gjennom Pakistan
ISBN 9788205416352 , 2011
From Cranmer to Sancroft: Essays on English Religion in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
ISBN 9781852855048 , 2007 , Patrick Collinson
Europe and the Islamic World: A History
ISBN 9780691147055 , 2012 , John L. Esposito, John Victor Tolan,m.fl.
Religion in India: A Historical Introduction
ISBN 9780415940245 , 2006 , Fred Clothey
Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject [New in Paper]
ISBN 9780691149806 , 2011 , Saba Mahmood
Nature and Identity: Essays on the Culture of Nature
ISBN 9788276345490 , 2003 , Kirsti Pedersen, Arvid Viken
Nuclear Bomb and Pakistan: External and Internal Factors
ISBN 9788170500391 , 1998 , Hastings Donnan, Fritz Selier
Modellmakt og altersentriske spedbarn: Essays on Dialogue in Infant & Adult
ISBN 9788279160090 , 2000 , Stein Bråten
The Emancipation of Europe's Muslims: The State's Role in Minority Integration
ISBN 9780691144221 , 2011 , Jonathan Laurence
Culture Theory: Essays on Mind, Self and Emotion
ISBN 9780521318310 , 1984 , Robert A. LeVine
Islamic Thought: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415364096 , 2006 , Abdullah Saeed
Indias historie : med Pakistan og Bangladesh
ISBN 9788202218461 , 2004 , Arild Engelsen Ruud, Eldrid Mageli,m.fl.
America's global role: essays and reviews on national security, geopolitics, and war
ISBN 9780761847304 , 2009
America's global role: essays and reviews on national security, geopolitics, and war
ISBN 9780761847298 , 2009
Eastern Crossroads. Essays on Medieval Christian Legacy
ISBN 9781593336103 , 2007 , Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala
Language, consciousness, culture: essays on mental structure
ISBN 9780262101196 , 2007
Essays in Biochemistry
ISBN 9780121581206 , 1985 , P. N. Campbell, R.D. Marshall
Reading Nozick: Essays on Anarchy, State, and Utopia
ISBN 9780631197805 , 1978 , Robert Nozick