Søk: 'Kino-Magie / Cinema Magic: Zoo Palast Berlin'
American Cinema/American Culture
ISBN 9780073386157 , 2009
A Cognitive Theory of Magic
ISBN 9780759110373 , 2007 , Jesper Sorensen
Mathematical Magic Show
ISBN 9780140165562 , 1977 , Martin Gardner
Cinema and Nation
ISBN 9780415208628 , 2000
Turen går til Berlin
ISBN 9788756771047 , 2005 , Henrik Vering, Kristine Therkelsen,m.fl.
The magic of fjord Norway
ISBN 9788290823592 , 2009 , Per Eide, Olav Grinde
A Cognitive Theory of Magic
ISBN 9780759110403 , 2007 , Jesper Sørensen
Magic and Mystery in Tibet
ISBN 9780285637924 , 2007 , Alexandra David-Neel
Berlin the Illus History (Engl)
ISBN 9783832088118 , 2003 , Magda Antonic
Transnational Cinema In A Global North: Nordic Cinema In Transition
ISBN 9780814332436 , 2005 , Andrew K. Nestingen, Trevor Glen Elkington
Australian National Cinema
ISBN 9780415057318 , 1996 , Tom O'Regan
Turen går til Berlin
ISBN 9788756763271 , 2001 , Steen Ulrik, Johannessen
The Cinema of Scandinavia
ISBN 9781904764229 , 2005 , Tytti Soila
Berlin Alexanderplatz: fortellingen om Franz Biberkopf
ISBN 9788252553185 , 2005 , Kjell Risvik, Alfred Doblin
The European Cinema Reader
ISBN 9780415240925 , 2002 , Catherine Fowler
Kino: A History of the Russian and Soviet Film
ISBN 9780691003467 , 1983 , Jay Leyda
Cinema and the Swastika: The International Expansion of Third Reich Cinema
ISBN 9780230238572 , 2010
The French Cinema Book
ISBN 9781844570126 , 2004 , Michael Temple, Michael Witt
Berlin Republic: Writings on Germany
ISBN 9780745620442 , 1998 , Jurgen Habermas, Peter Uwe Hobendahl
Realism and Popular Cinema
ISBN 9780719052514 , 2000 , Julia Hallam, Margaret Marshment
A General Theory of Magic
ISBN 9780415255509 , 2001 , Marcel Mauss, Robert Brain
A General Theory of Magic[
ISBN 9780415253963 , 2001 , Marcel Mauss
Cinema and the Swastika: The International Expansion of Third Reich Cinema
ISBN 9781403994912 , 2007
Cinema and Modernity
ISBN 9780745611860 , 1993
New Hollywood Cinema: An Introduction
ISBN 9781860647505 , 2002
Engaging Cinema: An Introduction to Film Studies
ISBN 9780393934915 , 2010 , Bill Nichols
Stolen Honor: Stigmatizing Muslim Men in Berlin
ISBN 9780804759007 , 2008 , Katherine Pratt Ewing
The European Cinema Reader
ISBN 9780415240918 , 2002 , Catherine Fowler
The German cinema book
ISBN 9780851709451 , 2002 , Tim Bergfelder, Deniz Gokturk
Fool's gold 2 : Wild magic
ISBN 9780743461283 , 2003 , Jude Fisher