Søk: 'Magiske India'
Banking Reform in India and China
ISBN 9781403981257 , 2004 , Lawrence Sáez
Capital Markets of India: An Investor's Guide
ISBN 9780470137635 , 2007 , Alan R. Kanuk
Den magiske kokeboken: for kloke barn og barnslige voksne
ISBN 9788204088659 , 2003 , Shane Brox, Kari Engen
Socio-religious Reform Movements in British India
ISBN 9788185618470 , 2007 , Kenneth N. Jones
Chronic Poverty and Development Policy in India
ISBN 9780761934646 , 2006
Bli med til- det gamle India
ISBN 9788252926491 , 2002 , Daud Ali, Cecilie Winger
Magiske systemer: klassiske tekster om medier og kulturell endring
ISBN 9788243001794 , 2001 , Atle Skorstad, Lars Nyre
New Patterns of Democracy in India
ISBN 9781583484098 , 1999
The Camphor Flame: Popular Hinduism And Society In India
ISBN 9780691120485 , 2004 , Christopher John Fuller
Den magiske gryten: tallforståelse : tallområdet 0-20
ISBN 9788249200061 , 2000 , Hanne Solem, Lena Torbjörnson, Ove Aspeling
Den magiske hånd : dukkespill og figurteater gjennom tidene
ISBN 9788253020891 , 2000 , Vibeke Helgesen, Ragnhild Wang
Kingship and Political Practice in Colonial India
ISBN 9780521052290 , 2007 , Pamela G. Price
Tallenes magiske tale : om meningen bak mystiske tallrekker, synkroniteter og tidsfenomenet 11.11
ISBN 9788202314545 , 2010 , Dag Biseth, Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman
Ancient Rome and India: Commercial and Cultural Contacts Between the Roman World and India
ISBN 9788121506762 , 1998 , Maria Rosa Cimino
The Rough Guide to South India 3
ISBN 9781843531036 , 2004 , Nick Edwards, David Abram, Devdan Sen, Mike Ford,m.fl.
India - social development report 2008: development and displacement
ISBN 9780195696929 , 2008 , Hari Mohan Mathur
Mummitrollet og den magiske hatten - Mystiske lyder om natten
ISBN 9788202174651 , 1997 , Tove Jansson
Female Infanticide in India: A Feminist Cultural History
ISBN 9780791463284 , 2005
Commodity Futures Market in India: An Econometric Analysis
ISBN 9783639302363 , 2010
The Politics of India Since Independence
ISBN 9780521459709 , 1994 , C.A. Bayly, John F. Richards, Paul R. Brass
Jains in the World : Religious Values and Ideology in India: Religious Values and Ideology in India
ISBN 9780198030379 , 2001 , John E. Cort,m.fl.
Reinventing India: Liberalization, Hindu Nationalism and Popular Democracy
ISBN 9780745620770 , 2000
Jesus i India: en beretning om Jesu flukt fra korset og hans reise til India
ISBN 9781853726729 , 1999 , Ghulam Ahmad
Blocked by Caste: Economic Discrimination in Modern India
ISBN 9780198060802 , 2009 , Sukhadeo Thorat, Katherine S. Newman
Organizing Jainism in India and England
ISBN 9780198273882 , 1992 , Marcus Banks
Seeing the State: Governance and Governmentality in India
ISBN 9780521542555 , 2005 , Manoj Srivastava, Rene Veron, Jan Breman,m.fl.
Mattemagi: over 100 morsomme, magiske, praktiske og nyttige matematikkøvelser for trent og utrent
ISBN 9788248910015 , 2010 , Håvard Tjora, Geir Florhaug
Shoveling Smoke: Advertising and Globalization in Contemporary India
ISBN 9780822331452 , 2003 , William Mazzarella
Darsan: Seeing the Divine Image in India
ISBN 9780231112659 , 1998 , Diana L. Eck
Don't You Want Me (Om)
ISBN 9780141008776 , 2002 , India Knight