Søk: 'Making Meaning: Inference and Rhetoric in the Interpretation of Cinema'
Organizational Rhetoric
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Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780534243128 , 2001 , Roger L. Berger, George Casella
Making Sense of the Troubles
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Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture
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Cinema and Modernism
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The Making of Buddhist Modernism
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Transnational Cinema In A Global North: Nordic Cinema In Transition
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Brands: Meaning and Value in Media Culture
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Kanban and Scrum - Making the Most of Both
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Culture of Light: Cinema and Technology in 1920s Germany
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Acts of Meaning
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The Cinema Book
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Subculture: The Meaning of Style
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Probability and Statistical Inference: International Edition
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Ancient Rhetoric and Oratory
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Recent Releases: The Bible in Contemporary Cinema
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Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
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Dawkins' GOD: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life
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The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World
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Policy-making in the European Union
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