Søk: 'Modern Software Tools for Scientific Computing'
An Introduction to Discrete Mathematics for Business and Computing
ISBN 9781907934001 , 2010 , John Dwyer
Advanced ceramic tools for machining application II
ISBN 9780878497034 , 1996 , Xing Sheng Li, It-Meng Low
Introduction to Evolutionary Computing
ISBN 9783540401841 , 2003 , Agoston E. Eiben, James E. Smith
Exploring BeagleBone: Tools and Techniques for Building with Embedded Linux
ISBN 9781118935125 , 2014 , Derek Molloy
A Primer on Scientific Programming With Python
ISBN 9783642302923 , 2013 , Hans Petter Langtangen
Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today's Markets, 3rd, University Edition
ISBN 9780470904039 , 2011 , Bruce Tuckman
BioInformatics: A Computing Perspective
ISBN 9780071263900 , 2008
Security in Computing
ISBN 9780131857940 , 1997 , Charles P. Pfleeger
Security in computing
ISBN 9780133374865 , 1997 , Charles P. Pfleeger
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, & Tools
ISBN 9780321491695 , 2006 , Jeffrey D. Ullman, Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam,m.fl.
Researching Information Systems and Computing
ISBN 9781412902243 , 2005 , Briony J. Oates
Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Mastering Open Source Tools, Including Ant, JUnit, and Cactus
ISBN 9780471207085 , 2001 , Nicholas Lesiecki, Richard Hightower
Scientific Papers and Presentations
ISBN 9780120884247 , 2005 , Martha Davis
Introduction to Parallel Computing
ISBN 9780201648652 , 2003 , Ananth Grama, Vipin Kumar, Anshul Gupta,m.fl.
The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success
ISBN 9781118269749 , 2012 , Lon Safko
Application Software Security
ISBN 9780763757731 , 2009 , Richardson
Java Software Structures
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Software Engineering [With Access Code]
ISBN 9780137035151 , 2010 , Ian Sommerville
History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071315562 , 2013 , R.R. Palmer
Marketing Research: Tools & Techniques
ISBN 9780199281961 , 2007
Architectures of Optical Interconnection Networks for High Performance Computing
ISBN 9783836462174 , 2008 , Assaf Shacham
Alan Turing's Automatic Computing Engine
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Developing JavaTM Software
ISBN 9780471606963 , 2000 , Graham Robarts, Russel Winder
Advanced Ceramic Tools for Machining Application - I
ISBN 9780878496846 , 1994 , Xing Sheng Li, It-Meng Low
The Strategic Designer: Tools & Techniques for Managing the Design Process
ISBN 9781600617997 , 2011 , David Holston
Physics for Scientists and Engineers: With Modern Physics
ISBN 9781429202657 , 2007 , Gene P. Mosca, Paul Allen Tipler
Sexology in context: a scientific anthology
ISBN 9788215012612 , 2008 , Bente Træen, Bo Lewin
Joel on Software
ISBN 9781590593899 , 2004 , Avram Joel Spolsky
Numerical Mathematics and Computing
ISBN 9780534389932 , 2003 , David Kincaid, E.W. Cheney
Alan Turing's Automatic Computing Engine
ISBN 9780198565932 , 2012