Søk: 'Multiskilling for Television Production'
Agricultural production: organic and conventional systems
ISBN 9781578085125 , 2007 , Okoro M. Akinyemi
Reading Little Britain: Comedy Matters on Contemporary Television
ISBN 9781845119393 , 2010
The fundamentals of production planning and control
ISBN 9780130176158 , 2006 , Stephen N. Chapman
A Guide to Graphic Print Production
ISBN 9780471761389 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Robert Ryberg, Peter Lundberg, Kaj Johansson
Microeconometrics of Production: Norwegian Contributions
ISBN 9788202199210 , 2002 , Finn R. Førsund
Introduction to Documentary Production a Guide
ISBN 9781903364376 , 2002 , Searle Kochberg
Motion Design: Moving Graphics for Television, Music Video, Cinema, and Digital Interfaces
ISBN 9782880467890 , 2004 , Matt Woolman
Skrive for å lære: skriving i høyere utdanning
ISBN 9788279352938 , 2010 , Torlaug Løkensgard Hoel, Olga Dysthe,m.fl.
Accounting in Tea Production
ISBN 9780901308832 , 1984 , R. Vijayasekaran
Studyguide for Production and Operations Analysis by Steven Nahmias, ISBN 9780073377858: 9780073377858
ISBN 9781428844315 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Natural Gas: Production, Processing, Transport
ISBN 9782710806936 , 1997
Electronic Components, Packaging and Production
ISBN 9788299219327 , 1995 , Leif Halbo
Production of high silicon alloys
ISBN 9788251913171 , 1998 , Anders Schei, Johan Kr. Tuset, Halvard Tveit
Manufacturing: Design, Production, Automation, and Integration
ISBN 9780824742737 , 2003
Petroleum Production Engineering: A Computer-Assisted Approach
ISBN 9780750682701 , 2007 , Boyun Guo, William C. Lyons, Ali Ghalambor
Beyond Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II): Advanced Models and Methods for Production Planning
ISBN 9783642083938 , 2010
A Textbook of Production Technology: Manufacturing Processes
ISBN 9788121911146 , 2007 , P. C. Sharma
A history of early television. 1 (2004)
ISBN 9780415326650 , 2004 , Stephen Herbert
Critical security, democratisation and television in Taiwan
ISBN 9780754612179 , 2001 , Gary D. Rawnsley, Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley
Documentary in Practice: Filmmakers and Production Choices
ISBN 9780745636122 , 2006 , Jane L. Chapman
Documentary in Practice: Filmmakers and Production Choices
ISBN 9780745636115 , 2006 , Jane L. Chapman
News from nowhere: television and the news
ISBN 9781566633000 , 2000 , Edward Jay Epstein
Critical Dictionary of Film and Television Theory
ISBN 9780415162180 , 2000 , Roberta E. Pearson, Philip Simpson
Transnational Television Worldwide: Towards a New Media Order
ISBN 9781850435488 , 2004 , Jean K. Chalaby
Advances in Production Management Systems
ISBN 9780444879752 , 1985 , Elizabeth Szelke, Jimmie Browne
Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing: International Version
ISBN 9780132070737 , 2007 , Mikell P. Groover
Live television: time, space and the broadcast event
ISBN 9780761959090 , 2007 , Stephanie Marriott
Basi and company: four television plays
ISBN 9781870716031 , 1988 , Ken Saro-Wiwa
Transnational television worldwide: towards a new media order
ISBN 9781850435471 , 2004 , Jean K. Chalaby
Cultural Industries and the Production of Culture
ISBN 9780415331012 , 2004 , Dominic Power, Allen John Scott