Søk: 'Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations'
Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems
ISBN 9780198565628 , 1999 , Peter Smith, D. Dominic William Jordan
Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling
ISBN 9780130797704 , 2000 , David E. Penney, C.H. Edwards,m.fl.
Differential equations and boundary value problems: computing and modeling
ISBN 9780130834447 , 1999 , 2. utgave , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems with IDE CD Package
ISBN 9780321398505 , 2006 , Werner E. Kohler, Lee W. Johnson
Numerical Analysis
ISBN 9780321818768 , 2011 , Timothy Sauer
Linear Algebra: A First Course, With Applications to Differential Equations
ISBN 9780470067833 , 2007 , Tom M. Apostol
Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling
ISBN 9780133820942 , 1996 , David E. Penney, C. H. Edwards, Jr.
Numerical Optimization
ISBN 9780387303031 , 2006 , Jorge Nocedal, Stephen J. Wright
Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling
ISBN 9780135182260 , 1995 , David E. Penney, Charles H. Edwards
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, with Ode Architect CD
ISBN 9780471433385 , 2005 , William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
Handbook of Solution-Focused Conflict Management
ISBN 9780889373846 , 2010 , Bannink
Studyguide for Elementary Differential Equations by Edwards, C. Henry, ISBN 9780132397308
ISBN 9780132397308 , 2009 , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards
Calculus and Analytical Geometry with Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
ISBN 9780877786351 , 2001 , Edwards
Approaches to the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations: dynamical systems and nonlinear oscillations
ISBN 9789812704689 , 2007 , Tong-Ren Ding, Ding Tongren
Student's Solutions Manual [to Accompany]: Differential Equations & Linear Algebra. 3rd Ed
ISBN 9780136054276 , 2008 , 3. utgave , Henry Edwards
Linear algebra: a first course, with applications to differential equations
ISBN 9780471174219 , 1997 , Tom M. Apostol
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra: (International Edition) with Maple 10 VP
ISBN 9781405835855 , 2006 , C.Henry Edwards, C. Edwards
Stochastic methods and their applications to communications: stochastic differential equations approach
ISBN 9780470847411 , 2004 , Vladimir Lyandres, Valeri Kontorovitch,m.fl.
Numerical Analysis: Mathematics of Scientific Computing
ISBN 9780821847886 , 2009 , E. Elliott Ward Cheney,m.fl.
Numerical Analysis
ISBN 9780321783677 , 2011 , Timothy Sauer
Removable Partial Dentures
ISBN 9781850970750 , 2004 , P. Finbarr Allen, N. J. A. Jepson,m.fl.
Numerical Analysis
ISBN 9780321461353 , 2007 , Timothy Sauer
Partial foot amputations
ISBN 9789163107566 , 2001 , Bengt Söderberg
Applications Manual for Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling
ISBN 9780136006794 , 2007 , Henry Edwards
Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations: Problems and Solutions: A Sourcebook for Scientists and Engineers
ISBN 9780199212033 , 2007 , Peter Smith, Dominic Jordan
Toward the Final Solution
ISBN 9780865274280
Numerical Optimization
ISBN 9780387987934 , 2000 , Jorge Nocedal, Stephen J. Wright
Numerical Mathematics and Computing
ISBN 9781133491811 , 2012 , David Kincaid, E. Cheney
Student solutions manual, to accompany Elementary differential equations, seventh edition and Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems, seventh edition [by] William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
ISBN 9780471391142 , 2001 , 7. utgave , William E. Boyce, Charles W. Haines
Ordinary Differential Equations: En Elementary Texbook for Students of Mathematics, Engineering, and the Sciences
ISBN 9780486649405 , 1986 , Morris Tenenbaum, Harry Pollard