Søk: 'Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences'
Martin's Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences: Physical Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Principles in the Pharmaceutical Sciences
ISBN 9780781750271 , 2006
Exploring Data in Engineering, the Sciences, and Medicine
ISBN 9780195089653 , 2011 , Ronald Pearson
Calculus for the Life Sciences Student's Solutions Manual
ISBN 9780201770162 , 2002
Nobel Prizes and Life Sciences: A Unique Arbiter of the Advance of Life Sciences
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The self as project: politics and the human sciences
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Understanding Research for Social Policy and Social Work: Themes, Methods and Approaches
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Research Methodology in the Medical and Biological Sciences
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Scale Construction and Psychometrics for Social and Personality Psychology
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The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences
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The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success
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Exploring water resources: GIS investigations for the earth sciences
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Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences
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Handbook for Practice Learning in Social Work and Social Care
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The Media and Social Theory
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Development and Social Change
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A History and Theory of the Social Sciences: Not All That Is Solid Melts into Air
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The Social Animal
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Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences
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The Media and Social Theory
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Social Psychology and Social Psychology Student Access Cards for MyPsychKit
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Social justice and the Constitution: perspectives on a social union for Canada
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A Perspective Look at Nonlinear Media: From Physics to Biology and Social Sciences
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Social Psychology and Health
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Application of Geographic Invormation [i.e. Information] Systems (GIS) for Integrated Assessment and Management of Mineral Resources in North-east Asia
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The Market for Virtue: The Potential And Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility
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The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success
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Generalized Linear Models: with Applications in Engineering and the Sciences
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