Søk: 'Organised crime: norms, markets, regulation and research'
Vygotsky and Research
ISBN 9780415395939 , 2008 , Harry Daniels
Financial Institutions: Instruments and Markets
ISBN 9780074714423 , 2003 , Christopher Viney
Metabolic Regulation: A Human Perspective
ISBN 9781405147613 , 2009
Genetic Privacy: A Challenge to Medico-Legal Norms
ISBN 9780521660273 , 2002 , Graeme T. Laurie
Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance
ISBN 9780415871129 , 2011 , Barry J. Zimmerman, Dale H. Schunk
Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance
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The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets
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Financial Markets
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Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy
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Natural Monopoly Regulation: Principles and Practice
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Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions
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Energy Economics: Concepts, Issues, Markets and Governance
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Financial Markets and Institutions - Local Reprint
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Boron: Global Industry Markets and Outlook
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Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy
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Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research
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Affluence and activism: organised consumers in the post-war era
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Crime and Society in England, 1750-1900
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Crime, Police, and Penal Policy: European Experiences 1750-1940
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Japan and world timber markets
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Derivatives Markets
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Metabolic Regulation in Mammals
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Amino Acid Biosynthesis: Pathways, Regulation, and Metabolic Engineering
ISBN 9783540485964 , 2007
McGrath's Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets
ISBN 9780074716571 , 2006 , Christopher Viney
Vygotsky and Research
ISBN 9780203891797 , 2008 , Harry Daniels
Social Inclusion and Early Desistance from Crime
ISBN 9780905893129 , 2006 , David J. Smith
Metabolic Regulation: A Human Perspective
ISBN 9781444317763 , 2009
Financial markets and corporate strategy
ISBN 9780256099393 , 1998 , Sheridan Titman, Mark Grinblatt
A Crime Against Art
ISBN 9783905829372 , 2008 , Maria Lind, Hila Peleg, Charles Esche,m.fl.
Capital Markets, Globalization, and Economic Development
ISBN 9780387245645 , 2005 , Benton E. Gup