Søk: 'PLO [Palestine Liberation Organization] in Lebanon'
A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples
ISBN 9780521864688 , 2006 , Ilan Pappé
(Re)constructing Armenia in Lebanon and Syria: Ethno-cultural Diversity and the State in the Aftermath of a Refugee Crisis
ISBN 9781845453527 , 2008
A pedagogy for liberation: dialogues on transforming education
ISBN 9780897891059 , 1987 , Ira Shor, Paulo Freire
Improving trade policy reviews in the World Trade Organization
ISBN 9780881322514 , 1998 , Donald B. Keesing, Donald Kessing
Introduction to Industrial Organization
ISBN 9780262032865 , 2000 , Luís M. B. Cabral
Computer Organization and Architecture
ISBN 9788176565233 , 2003 , Madhulika Jain, Prof. Satish Jain, Vineeta Pillai
Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications
ISBN 9781405176323 , 2008 , Lynne Pepall, George Norman, Dan Richards
Computer Organization & Design, 3/e
ISBN 9788120335110 , 2010 , 3. utgave , Pal Chaudhury, P. Pal Chaudhuri
Industrial organization: theory and practice
ISBN 9780321376107 , 2007 , Don E. Waldman, Elizabeth Jane Jensen
Health Economics: An Industrial Organization Perspective
ISBN 9780415559898 , 2011
Organization development and change
ISBN 9780324019872 , 2001 , Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley
Industrial Organization: Competition, Strategy, Policy
ISBN 9780273710387 , 2009 , John Lipczynski, John O. S. Wilson,m.fl.
Organization Theory: Challenges And Perspectives
ISBN 9780273687740 , 2006 , John McAuley (FIPD.), Phil Johnson,m.fl.
Industrial Organization: Competition, Strategy, Policy
ISBN 9780273688020 , 2005 , John Lipczynski, John O. S. Wilson,m.fl.
Structured Computer Organization, (International Edition)
ISBN 9780131969049 , 2005 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Organization Theory and Design
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Organization Theory and Design (ISE)
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Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives
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Communication, Power and Organization
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The Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization
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Where now for Palestine? : the demise of the two-state solution
ISBN 9781842778401 , 2007 , Jamil Hilal
Applied Industrial Organization: Towards a Theory-Based Empirical Industrial Organization
ISBN 9780792330509 , 1994 , Karl Aiginger, Jorg Finsinger
Co-Existence in Wartime Lebanon: Decline of a State and Rise of a Nation
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Computer Architecture and Organization
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Emergence: Complexity & Organization 2006 Anuual
ISBN 9780979168826 , 2007 , Jeffrey A Goldstein, Kurt A Richardson,m.fl.
Human nature and organization theory: on the economic approach to institutional organization
ISBN 9781840647143 , 2003 , Sigmund Wagner-Tsukamoto
Organization Theory and Design
ISBN 9780538879026 , 1997 , Richard L. Daft
Liberation Biology: The Scientific and Moral Case for the Biotech Revolution
ISBN 9781591022275 , 2005 , Ronald Bailey
Organization Development: A Jossey-Bass Reader
ISBN 9780787984267 , 2006 , Joan V. Gallos
Emergence: Complexity & Organization 2004 Annual
ISBN 9780976681489 , 2006 , A Richardson Kurt, A Goldstein Jeffrey,m.fl.