Søk: 'Phaidon Design Classics'
Dexter By Design
ISBN 9780752885179 , 2009 , Jeff Lindsay
Aulton's Pharmaceutics: The Design and Manufacture of Medicines
ISBN 9780702042904 , 2013 , Michael E. Aulton, Kevin M. G. Taylor
Product Design
ISBN 9783823855972 , 2002 , Héctor Roqueta
Office Design
ISBN 9783823855781 , 2002 , Fabio Fabbrizzi
Exploring Character Design
ISBN 9781401862961 , 2005 , Kevin Hedgpeth, Chester M. Hedgepeth
The Urban Design Reader
ISBN 9780415668088 , 2012 , Michael Larice, Elizabeth MacDonald
Head First Web Design
ISBN 9780596520304 , 2009 , Ethan Watrall, Jeff Siarto
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design
ISBN 9781856176637 , 2010 , Michael F. Ashby
Design Directory
ISBN 9780789303356 , 2004 , Claudia Neumann
Digital Design
ISBN 9780130621214 , 2002 , Phyllis Goldman, M. Morris Mano
Graphic Design Thinking
ISBN 9781568989792 , 2011 , Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole Phillips
Digital Design and Computer Architecture
ISBN 9780123944245 , 2012 , David Money Harris, Sarah L. Harris
The Design History Reader
ISBN 9781847883896 , 2010
Drift av lokalnettverk: design og sikkerhet
ISBN 9788232100378 , 2012 , Arne B. Mikalsen, Sigurd M. Assev
Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9781118093740 , 2012 , Alan Dennis, Roberta M. Roth
The Design Hotels Book: Edition 2010
ISBN 9783899552836 , 2010 , Hotels Design
Advanced Textile Design
ISBN 9781142930806 , 2010 , William Watson
Organizational Theory and Design
ISBN 9781844809905 , 2010 , Hugh Willmott, Richard L. Daft, Jonathan Murphy
Exhibition Design
Patternmaking for Fashion Design
ISBN 9780136121480 , 2009 , Helen Joseph Armstrong
Digital Design and Computer Fundamentals
ISBN 9781844794898
Hotel Design, Planning and Development
ISBN 9780080966991 , 2012
The Design of Approximation Algorithms
ISBN 9780521195270 , 2011 , David P. Williamson, David B. Shmoys
Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach
ISBN 9780071289153 , 2010 , Kenneth S. Bordens, Bruce Barrington Abbott
Graphic Design
ISBN 9780500203477 , 2001 , Richard Hollis
Reinforced Concrete Design: To Eurocode 2
ISBN 9780230302853 , 2012 , W.H. Mosley, J. H. Bungey
Well Completion Design
ISBN 9780444532107 , 2009 , Jonathan Bellarby
Circuit Design and Simulation with VHDL
ISBN 9780262014335 , 2010
Case Study Research: Design and Methods
ISBN 9781412960991 , 2008 , Robert K. Yin
Product Design and Development
ISBN 9780071316811 , 2011