Søk: 'Popular culture in early modern Europe'
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader
ISBN 9780820322766 , 1997 , STOREY
Law and Conscience: Catholicism in Early Modern England, 1570-1625
ISBN 9780754657712 , 2007 , Stefania Tutino
Crossroads: American Popular Culture and the Vietnam Generation
ISBN 9780742544444 , 2005
Family, Friends and Followers: Political and Social Bonds in Early Medieval Europe
ISBN 9780521779340 , 2004 , Gerd Althoff
Cultural studies and the study of popular culture
ISBN 9780748618095 , 2003 , John Storey
Crossroads: American popular culture and the Vietnam generation
ISBN 9780742544437 , 2005
Between Culture and Politics: Intellectuals in Modern Society
ISBN 9780745609041 , 1994
Between China and Europe: person, culture and emotion in Macao
ISBN 9780826457486 , 2002
Interrogating Postfeminism: Gender and the Politics of Popular Culture
ISBN 9780822340324 , 2007 , Yvonne Tasker, Diane Negra
Every Day, Everywhere: Global Perspectives on Popular Culture
ISBN 9780767411707 , 2001 , Stuart Hirschberg, Terry Hirschberg
Early Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary
ISBN 9781405135672 , 2006 , Aloysius Martinich, Fritz Allhoff,m.fl.
Early Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary
ISBN 9781405135665 , 2006 , Aloysius Martinich, Fritz Allhoff,m.fl.
Telecommunication Laws in Europe
ISBN 9781847668851 , 2013 , Joachim Scherer
Rewriting the Renaissance: The Discourses of Sexual Difference in Early Modern Europe : Conference on Renaissance Woman/Renaissance Man: Studies in the Creation of Culture and Society : Papers
ISBN 9780226243146 , 1986 , Margaret W. Ferguson, Maureen Quilligan,m.fl.
Understanding Theology and Popular Culture: Engagements Across Philosophical Traditions
ISBN 9781405117487 , 2004
The Ordeal of Nationalism in Modern Europe, 1789-1945
ISBN 9780773494787 , 1992 , Endre B. Gastony
Spectacular Realities: Early Mass Culture in Fin-de-siècle Paris
ISBN 9780520221680 , 1999
Safeguarding Children: Early Intervention and Surveillance in a Late Modern Society
ISBN 9781403933324 , 2006 , Nigel Parton
Entertaining the citizen: when politics and popular culture converge
ISBN 9780742529076 , 2004 , Liesbet van Zoonen
Entertaining the citizen: when politics and popular culture converge
ISBN 9780742529069 , 2004 , Liesbet van Zoonen
The City of Musical Memory: Salsa, Record Grooves and Popular Culture in Cali, Colombia
ISBN 9780819570567 , 2010 , Lise A. Waxer
The Adoring Audience: Fan Culture and Popular Media
ISBN 9780415078214 , 1992 , Lisa A. Lewis
The Adoring Audience: Fan Culture and Popular Media
ISBN 9780415078207 , 1992 , Lisa A. Lewis
Writing Superheroes: Contemporary Childhood, Popular Culture, and Classroom Literacy
ISBN 9780807736395 , 1997 , A.H. Dyson
The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture
ISBN 9780521683463 , 2010 , John Storey, Michael Higgins
Mass mediations: New approaches to popular culture in the Middle East and beyond
ISBN 9780520219267 , 2000
Women and the White House: Gender, Popular Culture, and Presidential Politics
ISBN 9780813141015 , 2012 , Justin S. Vaughn, Lilly J. Goren
Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular Culture: Third Edition
ISBN 9780748640386 , 2010 , 3. utgave , John Storey
Eugenic Fantasies: Racial Ideology in Literature and Popular Culture of the 1920's
ISBN 9780415937382 , 2002 , Betsy L. Nies
Europe: The Exceptional Case : Parameters of Faith in the Modern World
ISBN 9780232524253 , 2002 , Grace Davie