Søk: 'Psychology and law: a critical introduction'
Critical Essays on Language Use and Psychology
ISBN 9783540967033 , 1988 , Daniel C. O'Connell
Making sense of management: a critical introduction
ISBN 9780803983885 , 1996 , Mats Alvesson, Hugh Willmott
An Introduction to Islamic Law
ISBN 9780521861465 , 2009 , Wael B. Hallaq
Introduction to educational research: a critical thinking approach
ISBN 9781412913904 , 2006 , W. Newton Suter
Psychology of Attitudes and Attitude Change: A Brief Introduction
ISBN 9781904542063 , 2003 , Kevin Brewer
How to Do Critical Discourse Analysis: A Multimodal Introduction
ISBN 9780857028914 , 2012 , David Machin
Environmental Psychology: A Psycho-social Introduction
ISBN 9780803979062 , 1995 , Mirilia Bonnes, Gianfranco Secchiaroli,m.fl.
Atkinson and Hildegard's Introduction to Psychology 15e
ISBN 9781844807284 , 2008 , 15. utgave , Geoffrey R. Loftus, Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, PH.D.,m.fl.
An Introduction to Danish Law
ISBN 9788798868835 , 2008 , Ulla Rosenkjær, Anne Lind Gleerup, Leif Rørbæk
Atkinson and Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology
ISBN 9781428801332 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Introduction to Applied Psychology
ISBN 9781444331219 , 2011 , Graham Davey
Philosophy of Law: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415334419 , 2005 , Mark Tebbit
Introduction to Statistics in Psychology
ISBN 9781292000749 , 2013 , Dennis Howitt
An Introduction to Health Psychology
ISBN 9780273735199 , 2012 , Paul Bennett, Val Morrison
The Politics of Power: A Critical Introduction to American Government
ISBN 9780393933253 , 2010 , Alan Draper, Ira Katznelson
Introduction to Statistics in Psychology
ISBN 9780273734307 , 2010 , Dennis Howitt, Dr Duncan Cramer
A Marginal Jew: Law and Love
ISBN 9780300140965 , 2009 , John P. Meier
Introduction to Social Psychology: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780631204374 , 2001 , Miles Hewstone
Introduction to psychology
ISBN 9780155002890 , 1993 , Rita L. Atkinson
Introduction to Psychology
ISBN 9780155436893 , 1990
The psychology of religion: a short introduction
ISBN 9781851682126 , 2000 , Kate Miram Loewenthal
Object relations and self psychology: an introduction
ISBN 9780534532932 , 2003 , Michael St. Clair, Jodie Wigren
Designing Things: A Critical Introduction to the Culture of Objects
ISBN 9781845204273 , 2010 , Prasad Boradkar
A Critical Introduction to the Philosophy of Gottlob Frege
ISBN 9780754654711 , 2006 , Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock
Introduction to SPSS in Psychology
ISBN 9781292000695 , 2014 , Dennis Howitt, Duncan Cramer
Introduction to Psychology
ISBN 9780155436862 , 1987
Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Psychology
ISBN 9780273770060 , 2012 , Dennis Howitt
Introduction to Social Psychology
ISBN 9780733982477 , 2007 , Michael A. Hogg, Graham M. Vaughan
Biological Psychology: An Introduction to Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience
ISBN 9780878933242
An Introduction to Social Psychology
ISBN 9780559530975 , 2008 , Charles Abram Ellwood