Søk: 'Quality TV: Contemporary American Television and Beyond'
Understanding African American Rhetoric: Classical Origins to Contemporary Innovations
ISBN 9780415943871 , 2003 , Elaine B. Richardson, R.L. Jackson,m.fl.
Broodstock Management and Egg and Larval Quality
ISBN 9780632035915 , 1994 , Niall R. Bromage, Ronald J. Roberts
Contemporary Auditing
ISBN 9781285066608 , 2014
The Television Genre Book
ISBN 9781844572175 , 2008 , Toby Miller, Glen Creeber, John Tulloch
Software Testing and Quality Assurance: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780471789116 , 2007 , Piyu Tripathy, Sagar Naik
A Coalville Childhood and Beyond
ISBN 9780955302732 , 2009 , Diana Pearson Vale
Basic TV Reporting
ISBN 9780240512839 , 1990 , Ivor Yorke
Contemporary China: Society and Social Change
ISBN 9781107600799 , 2013 , Tamara Jacka, Sally Sargeson
Financially Focused Quality
ISBN 9781574442489 , 1999 , Thomas Cappels
Computed Tomography: Physical Principles, Clinical Applications, and Quality Control
ISBN 9781416028956 , 2008 , Euclid Seeram
De levende billeders dramaturgi-TV
ISBN 9788779534254 , 2003 , Peter Harms Larsen
The television genre book
ISBN 9780851708492 , 2001 , British Film Institute, Glen Creeber
English pronunciation and intonation: British, American and World Englishes
ISBN 9788215015699 , 2010 , Thor Sigurd Nilsen
Beyond Exoticism
ISBN 9780822339571 , 2007
Contemporary Orthodontics
ISBN 9780323083171 , 2012 , William R. Proffit, David M. Sarver
Environmental Effects on Seafood Availability, Safety, and Quality
ISBN 9781439803271 , 2011 , Zdzislaw Z.E. Sikorski,m.fl.
Contemporary American Independent Film: From the Margins to the Mainstream
ISBN 9780203312964 , 2004 , Chris Holmlund, Justin Wyatt, Christine Holmlund
Contemporary American Independent Film: From The Margins To The Mainstream
ISBN 9780415254878 , 2004 , Chris Holmlund, Justin Wyatt
Film Stars: Hollywood and Beyond
ISBN 9780719056451 , 2004 , Andrew Willis
Critical security, democratisation and television in Taiwan
ISBN 9780754612179 , 2001 , Gary D. Rawnsley, Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley
Contemporary India
ISBN 9781403943132 , 2010
Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
ISBN 9780323049030 , 2008 , James R. Hupp, Edward Ellis, Myron R. Tucker
Beyond Black
ISBN 9780007268375 , 2008 , Hilary Mantel
Basi and company: four television plays
ISBN 9781870716031 , 1988 , Ken Saro-Wiwa
News from nowhere: television and the news
ISBN 9781566633000 , 2000 , Edward Jay Epstein
the business and art of producing reality TV
ISBN 9780080927831 , 2008 , Michael Essany
Black Visions: The Roots of Contemporary African-American Political Ideologies
ISBN 9780226138619 , 2003 , Michael C. Dawson
Nærbilder; tv-pastorens bekjennelser
ISBN 9788248911388 , 2011
Critical Dictionary of Film and Television Theory
ISBN 9780415162180 , 2000 , Roberta E. Pearson, Philip Simpson
Contemporary chinese: Contemporary chinese
ISBN 9787800529023 , 2003 , Zhongwei Wu