Søk: 'Service Management and Marketing: Customer Management in Service Competition'
At your service!
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Exploring Direct and Customer Relationship Marketing
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Salg, service, sikkerhet
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A Guide to Customer Service Skills for the Help Desk Professional
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Competing in a Service Economy: How to Create a Competitive Advantage Through Service Development and Innovation
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Marketing channels: a management view
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Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach
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The Brave New Service Strategy: Aligning Customer Relationships, Market Strategies and Business Structure
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CU.Kotler/Keller: Marketing Management Pack
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Global Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
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Sal og service - tryggleik; studieretning sal og service, VKI
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Guide to TQM in Service Industries
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Advances in Services Marketing and Management: Research and Practice : 1993
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Customer Relationship Development: Implementing Fast-track, First-base Customer Relationship Management Solutions
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Civil Service Performance Indicators
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Framework for Marketing Management: Global Edition
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