Søk: 'Software Architecture in Practice, 2/e'
Roman Architecture
ISBN 9780415200936 , 1998 , Frank Sear
ISBN 9780538469258 , 2010 , Gary P. Schneider
Software Studies: A Lexicon
ISBN 9780262062749 , 2008 , Matthew Fuller
Selected chapters from Software Engineering
ISBN 9781783997084 , 2013 , Dag Sjøberg, Yngve Lindsjørn
Portable Architecture
ISBN 9780750656535 , 2003 , Robert Kronenburg
Greek Architecture
ISBN 9780300064926 , 1996 , Arnold Walter Lawrence, Richard Allan Tomlinson
Bridges 1: CD 2 til practice book
ISBN 9788270208449 , 2000 , Linda Gallasch, Jonathan Marks,m.fl.
Økonomistyring 2
ISBN 9788245015645 , 2013 , Aage Sending
Practice-led Research, Research-led Practice in the Creative Arts
ISBN 9780748636297 , 2009 , Hazel Smith
Architecture D'aujourd'hui
ISBN 9783822815946 , 2002 , Philip Jodidio
Theology in Built Environments: Exploring Religion, Architecture, and Design
ISBN 9781412845809 , 2012 , Sigurd Bergmann
Architecture AndIdeology in Early Medieval Spain
ISBN 9780271013251 , 1994 , Jerrilynn Denise Dodds
Lived Religion:Faith and Practice in Everyday Life: Faith and Practice in Everyday Life
ISBN 9780195368338 , 2008 , Meredith B. McGuire
Greek and Roman Architecture in Classic Drawings
ISBN 9780486404912 , 2003 , Hector D'Espouy
Fixed Prosthodontics in Dental Practice
ISBN 9781850970958 , 2004 , Michael O'Sullivan
Western Architecture
ISBN 9780500203163 , 2000
Advances in Software Tools for Scientific Computing
ISBN 9783540665571 , 1999 , Hans Petter Langtangen, Are Magnus Bruaset,m.fl.
Application Software Security
ISBN 9780763757731 , 2009 , Richardson
Java Software Structures
ISBN 9780131364271 , 2009 , John Lewis, Joseph Chase
Gothic Architecture
ISBN 9780300087994 , 2001 , Paul T. Frankl, Paul Crossley
Calculus with Analytic Geometry by Angus E. Taylor Vol. 2
ISBN 9780923891251 , 2009 , Angus E. Taylor, Sam Sloan
Ethnography: Principles in Practice
ISBN 9780415086646 , 1995 , Martyn Hammersley, Paul Atkinson, Hammersley
Direct Practice in Social Work
ISBN 9780205569380 , 2008 , Scott W. Boyle, Larry Lorenzo Smith,m.fl.
Developing JavaTM Software
ISBN 9780471606963 , 2000 , Graham Robarts, Russel Winder
Software Engineering [With Access Code]
ISBN 9780137035151 , 2010 , Ian Sommerville
Architecture Now!
ISBN 9783822825075 , 2002 , Philip Jodidio
Bridges 1; kassett 2 til practice book
ISBN 9788270204533 , 1995 , Linda Gallasch, Jonathan Marks,m.fl.
Game Engine Architecture
ISBN 9781568814131 , 2009 , Jason Gregory, Jeff Lander, Matt Whiting
MRI in Practice, 3rd Edition
ISBN 9781405127875 , 2005 , 3. utgave , John Talbot, Catherine Westbrook,m.fl.
Architecture: Highlights!
ISBN 9783770170869 , 2001 , Hubertus Adam, Jochen Paul, James Wines