Søk: 'Studio-Based Television Production and Directing'
Web Design Studio Secrets, 2E
ISBN 9780764534553 , 2000 , 2. utgave , Deke McClelland, Katrin Eismann, Terri Stone
Critical security, democratisation and television in Taiwan
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Basi and company: four television plays
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News from nowhere: television and the news
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The Television Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415283236 , 2003 , Annette Hill, Robert Clyde Allen
The Television Studies Reader
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Critical Dictionary of Film and Television Theory
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Programming Microsoft Robotics Studio Developer Reference
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Fermented Beverage Production
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The Television Will be Revolutionized
ISBN 9780814752203 , 2007 , Amanda D. Lotz
Documentary in Practice: Filmmakers and Production Choices
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Documentary in Practice: Filmmakers and Production Choices
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Video Production Handbook
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Occupation-Based Activity Analysis
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Television Drama: Form, Agency, Innovation
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Educational Research and Evidence-Based Practice
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Beverly Hills, 90210: Television, Gender, and Identity
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Cased Hole and Production Log Interpretation
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An Introduction to Television Studies
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Voice and Vision: A Creative Approach to Narrative Film and DV Production
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Competency-based Recruitment and Selection
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Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production
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Live television: time, space and the broadcast event
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Mathematical Methods and Modelling in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production
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Beverly Hills, 90210: Television, Gender, and Identity
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Television: an international history
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Resource-based Theory
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Final Cut Pro Studio on the Spot
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Cultural Industries and the Production of Culture
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The Game Production Handbook
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