Søk: 'TV Detectives Omnibus'
Sjekking på TV: offentlig ydmykelse eller bare en lek? : en studie av Reisesjekken - programformat, deltakere, sponsorer og publikum
ISBN 9788274770560 , 2001 , Ingunn Hagen, Eva Bakøy, Trine Syvertsen
Belong: A TV Journalist's Search For Urban Culture : From Beirut To Bamako; From Havana To Ho Chi Minh City
ISBN 9781894663786 , 2004
The Tom Swift Omnibus #7: Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel, Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders, Tom Swift and His War Tank
ISBN 9781604591118 , 2007 , Victor Appleton
The Tom Swift Omnibus #7: Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel, Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders, Tom Swift and His War Tank
ISBN 9781604591101 , 2007 , Victor Appleton
Aim for the Heart: Write for the Ear, Shoot for the Eye, a Guide for TV Producers and Reporters
ISBN 9781566251761 , 2002 , Al Tompkins
The Hollywood book of death: the bizarre, often sordid, passings of more than 125 American movie and TV idols
ISBN 9780809222278 , 2001 , James Robert Parish
A few marbles left: a close-up look at TV news in all its agonizing, maddening lunacy (and its occasional moments of glory)
ISBN 9781566251679 , 2001 , John Corcoran, Mervin Block
The Action Heroine's Handbook: How to Win a Catfight, Drink Someone Under the Table, Choke a Man With Your Bare Thighs, and Dozens of Other TV and Movie Skills
ISBN 9781931686686 , 2003 , Jennifer Worick, Joe Borgenicht