Søk: 'The Digital Divide: The Internet and Social Inequality in International Perspective'
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Social Psychology: International Edition
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Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World
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Gift of Fire: Social,Legal and Ethical Issues for Computers and the Internet
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Development and Social Change: A Global Perspective
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Advances in E-Engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on E-Engineering and Digital Enterprise
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Challenges in human rights: a social work perspective
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Aging, globalization, and inequality: the new critical gerontology
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Digital Systems: Principles and Applications: International Edition
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Gods in the global village: the world's religions in sociological perspective
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How the Internet Works
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European Media in the Digital Age: Analysis and Approaches
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Bridging the Knowledge Divide: Educational Technology for Development
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Identity in Modern Society: A Social Psychological Perspective
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A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing and the Internet
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Human Rights and Social Justice in a Global Perspective:An Introduction to International Social Work: An Introduction to International Social Work
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Life on the screen: identity in the age of the Internet
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