Søk: 'The Leader of the Future 2: Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era'
Automobile Technology of the Future
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The Shock of the New
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Globalisation and the Future of Terrorism: Patterns and Predictions
ISBN 9780415402965 , 2006 , Brynjar Lia
Chinese film theory: a guide to the new era
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Rethinking Documentary: New Perspectives and Practices
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A Brief History of the Future: The Origins of the Internet
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Nostalgia for the Future: West Africa after the Cold War
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Child Abuse and the Coping Strategies
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The New Penguin History of the World
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Information Systems Innovations for Nursing: New Visions and Ventures
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Information Systems Innovations for Nursing: New Visions and Ventures
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Studyguide for Management: Competing in the New Era by Bateman & Snell, ISBN 9780072482010
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Walking With the Poor: Principles and Practices of Transformational Development
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Mayan Visions: The Quest for Autonomy in an Age of Globalization
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African Democracy in the Era of Globalisation
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Nostalgia for the Future: West Africa after the Cold War
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Likeness and Presence: A History of the Image Before the Era of Art
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Best Practices in the Implementation of the Brussels Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010
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The Mammoth Book of Future Cops
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The Future of Us All: Race and Neighborhood Politics in New York City
ISBN 9780801434518 , 1998 , Roger Sanjek
American Rhetoric in the New Deal Era, 1932-1945: A Rhetorical History of the United States
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The Future of Excellence in Public Relations And Communication Management: Challenges for the Next Generation
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