Søk: 'The McDonaldization of Society: 20th Anniversary Edition'
Women Artists: In the 20th and 21st Century
ISBN 9783822824375 , 2004 , Uta Grosenick, Ilka Becker
Women Artists: In the 20th and 21st Century
ISBN 9783822858547 , 2001 , Uta. Grosenick, Ilka Becker
Korean Society: Civil Society, Democracy, and the State
ISBN 9780415263887 , 2002 , Charles K. Armstrong
Waiting for the Barbarians: A Novel (Penguin Great Books of the 20th Century)
ISBN 9780140283358 , 1999 , J. M Coetzee
Sports in Society
ISBN 9780077160548 , 2014 , Jay J. Coakley
Concept of the Network Society: Post-Ontological Reflections
ISBN 9788759311899 , 2007 , Niels Lehmann, Lars Qvortrup, Bo Kampmann Walther
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry: International Edition
ISBN 9781464109621 , 2013 , Michael M. Cox, David Lee Nelson
Professional Learning in the Knowledge Society
ISBN 9789460919923 , 2012 , Karen Jensen, Monika Nerland
The Network Society: Social Aspects of New Media
ISBN 9781412908689 , 2005 , Jan van Dijk
The Electronic Eye: The Rise of Surveillance Society
ISBN 9780816625154 , 1994 , David Lyon
Essentials of Statistics: International Edition
ISBN 9780321721693 , 2010 , Mario F. Triola
Taken for Grantedness: The Embedding of Mobile Communication Into Society
ISBN 9780262018135 , 2012 , Richard Ling
Prehistoric and medieval direct iron smelting in Scandinavia and Europe: aspects of technology and society : proceedings of the Sandbjerg conference, 16th to 20th September 1999
ISBN 9788772887746 , 2003 , Lars Chr Nørbach, Lars Christian Nørbach,m.fl.
The Oxford Dictionary of Saints, Fifth Edition Revised
ISBN 9780199596607 , 2011 , 5. utgave , David Hugh Farmer
The State in Capitalist Society
ISBN 9780850366884 , 2009 , Ralph Miliband
Ichina: The Rise of the Individual in Modern Chinese Society
ISBN 9788776940539 , 2010 , Rune Svarverud, Mette Halskov Hansen
Principles of Corporate Finance - Global Edition
ISBN 9780077151560 , 2013 , Stewart C. Myers, Franklin Allen, Richard Brealey
The Penguin Dictionary of Geography: Third Edition
ISBN 9780140515053 , 3. utgave
Brock Biology of Microorganisms: Global Edition
ISBN 9780321735515 , 2011 , Michael T. Madigan, David P. Clark,m.fl.
The Council of Ministers, Second Edition
ISBN 9780333948651 , 2006 , 2. utgave , Fiona Hayes-Renshaw
The Craft of Research, 2nd edition
ISBN 9780226065687 , 2008 , 2. utgave , Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb,m.fl.
The Nature of Adolescence, 4th Edition
ISBN 9780415564199 , 2010 , 4. utgave , John C. Coleman
Contemporary American Society
ISBN 9788750043621 , 2013
The Science and Engineering of Materials: Si Edition
ISBN 9780495668022 , 2011 , Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep Fulay,m.fl.
The Norton Anthology of American Literature Shorter Edition
ISBN 9780393930573 , 2007 , Nina Baym
The Information Society Reader
ISBN 9780415319287 , 2003 , Frank Webster, Ensio Puoskari
The Rise of Professional Society: England Since 1880
ISBN 9780415301787 , 2002 , Harold Perkin
The Assembly of Listeners: Jains in Society
ISBN 9780521365055 , 1991 , Michael Carrithers, Caroline Humphrey
A History of Western Society. Volume 2, from the Age of Exploration to the Present
ISBN 9780230121041 , 2011 , John P. McKay, John Buckler, Clare Haru Crowston,m.fl.
The Nature of Adolescence: 3rd Edition
ISBN 9780415198981 , 1999 , 3. utgave , Leo B. Hendry, John C. Coleman (Ph. D.)