Søk: 'The Origins of the Modern World: Fate and Fortune in the Rise of the West'
The Rise and Fall of Apartheid
ISBN 9781868423521 , 2010 , David Welsh
The Origins of Agriculture in Europe
ISBN 9780415208079 , 1996 , I. J. Thorpe
Guardians of the west
ISBN 9780552148023 , 2000 , David Eddings
The Origins of Virtue
ISBN 9780140244045 , 1997 , Matt Ridley
The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World
ISBN 9781606230701 , 2009 , Mark J. Miller, Stephen Castles
ISBN 9780077126414 , 2007 , Lloyd Kramer, Joel Colton, R. R. Palmer
The rise and fall of communism
ISBN 9780061138799 , 2009 , Archie Brown
Inventing the Louvre: Art, Politics, and the Origins of the Modern Museum in Eighteenth-Century Paris
ISBN 9780520221765 , 1999 , Andrew McClellan
A History of the Modern World to 1815: A History of the Modern World Since 1815
ISBN 9780073250908 , 2009 , Lloyd S. Kramer, R. R. Palmer, Joel G. Colton
American dynasty: aristocracy, fortune, and the politics of deceit in the house of Bush
ISBN 9780670032648 , 2004 , Kevin P. Phillips
The Late Victorian Navy: The Pre-Dreadnought Era and the Origins of the First World War
ISBN 9781843833727 , 2008 , Roger Parkinson
The Rise and fall of revenue farming: business elites and the emergence of the modern state in Southeast Asia
ISBN 9780333562871 , 1993 , John Butcher, Howard Dick, Nathan Dick
The solar mystery: an inquiry into the temporal and the eternal background of the rise of modern civilization
ISBN 9788256014071 , 2003 , Jeremi Wasiutynski
Akbar and the Rise of the Mughal Empire
ISBN 9788177554397 , 2003 , G.B. Malleson
Europe: The Exceptional Case : Parameters of Faith in the Modern World
ISBN 9780232524253 , 2002 , Grace Davie
The rise of modern business: Great Britain, the United States, Germany, Japan, and China
ISBN 9780807858868 , 2008 , Mansel G. Blackford
Eyes of Artillery: The Origins of Modern U. S. Army Aviation in World War II
ISBN 9781410201515 , 2002 , Edgar F Raines
A History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780070408296 , 1995 , Joel G. Colton, Robert Roswell Palmer
The Origins and Development of the English Language
ISBN 9780155070554 , 2004 , John Algeo, Thomas Pyles
Religions of the West
ISBN 9780131568112 , 1993 , Ninian Smart
A history of the modern world
ISBN 9780075574170 , 1992 , Joel G. Colton, Robert Roswell Palmer, R Parler
A Traveler Disguised: The Rise of Modern Yiddish Fiction in the Nineteenth Century
ISBN 9780815603306 , 1996 , Dan Miron
The Atlas of Women in the World
ISBN 9781844072002 , 2005 , Joni Seager, Isabelle Lewis (cartographer.)
Splendid Isolation?: Britain, the Balance of Power and the Origins of the First World War. John Charmley
ISBN 9780571250295 , 2009 , John Charmley
Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power
ISBN 9780465023295 , 2004
How The West Grew Rich: The Economic Transformation Of The Industrial World
ISBN 9780465031092 , 1987 , Nathan Rosenberg, Luther Earle Birdzell
The origins of the "regime of goodness": remapping the cultural history of Norway
ISBN 9788215017792 , 2011 , Nina Witoszek
The Origins of Totalitarianism
ISBN 9780156701532 , 1973 , Hannah Arendt
A History of Europe in the Modern World, Volume 1
ISBN 9780077599607
Religions in the Modern World: Traditions and Transformations
ISBN 9780415458917 , 2009 , Linda Woodhead, Christopher Partridge,m.fl.