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Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization
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The New Religious Intolerance: Overcoming the Politics of Fear in an Anxious Age
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Digital Diversions: Youth Culture in the Age of Multimedia
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The carnival of images: Brazilian television fiction
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The Novice: Black Magician Trilogy
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Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design
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Cloning Terror: The War of Images, 9/11 to the Present
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Literacy in the Digital Age
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Religion in the Media Age
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The Secret Power of Music
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The Experience of Power in Medieval Europe: 950-1350
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The Tragedy of Great Power Politics
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All Consuming Images: The Politics Of Style In Contemporary Culture
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Personal Connections in the Digital Age
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Brand India: Master Images and Narratives in the Backdrop of Globalism
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Women who Run with the Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman
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Beyond Technology: Children's Learning in the Age of Digital Culture
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Generation digital: politics, commerce, and childhood in the age of the internet
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The Age of Revolution: 1749-1848
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Personal Connections in the Digital Age
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Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration
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Fascist Spectacle: The Aesthetics of Power in Mussolini's Italy
ISBN 9780520226777 , 2000 , Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi
Lonely Planet One Planet: Images of the World
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Changing Patterns of Power in the Middle East
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Changing Patterns of Power in the Middle East
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The Age of the Democratic Revolution: The challenge
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Beyond Technology: Children's Learning in the Age of Digital Culture
ISBN 9780745638805 , 2007 , David Buckingham
Mind over matter: the images of Pink Floyd
ISBN 9781860748332 , 2003 , Storm Thorgerson, Peter Curzon
European Religion in the Age of the Great Cities, 1830-1930
ISBN 9780415095228 , 1994 , Hugh McLeod