Søk: 'The Therapeutic Use of the Self in Counseling: Counseling Practice, Research and Supervision'
Auto/Ethnographies: Sex and Death and Symbolic Interaction in the Eighth Moment of Qualitative Inquiry: Seven Essays on the Self-ethnography of Self
ISBN 9781434402882 , 2009 , Michael Hemmingson
The Linguistic Individual : Self-Expression in Language and Linguistics: Self-Expression in Language and Linguistics
ISBN 9780195356335 , 1996 , Barbara Johnstone
The Basics of Information Security: Understanding the Fundamentals of InfoSec in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781597496537 , 2011 , Jason Andress
Lacan and the new wave in American psychoanalysis: the subject and the self
ISBN 9781892746030 , 1999 , Judith Feher Gurewich
The charismatic leader: the presentation of self and the creation of educational settings
ISBN 9781412916950 , 2005 , Dale L. Brubaker
The charismatic leader: the presentation of self and the creation of educational settings
ISBN 9781412916967 , 2005 , Dale L. Brubaker
Ethnographic Practice in the Present
ISBN 9781845456160 , 2009 , Helena Wulff, Marit Melhuus, Jon P. Mitchell
Concepts in Composition: Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing
ISBN 9780805838206 , 2003 , Irene L. Clark, Betty Bamberg
Identity In Adolescence: The Balance Between Self And Other
ISBN 9780415281072 , 2003 , Jane Kroger
Advanced Practice Nursing Ethics in Chronic Disease Self-Management
ISBN 9780826195722 , 2012 , Barbara Klug Redman
Nursing and the experience of illness: phenomenology in practice
ISBN 9780415207836 , 1999 , Irena Madjar, Jo Ann Walton
Religion and the Clinical Practice of Psychology
ISBN 9781557983213
Relational Theory and the Practice of Psychotherapy
ISBN 9781609180454 , 2010
Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques
ISBN 9780803625747 , 2012 , Carolyn Kisner, Lynn Allen Colby
Creativity and Practice Research Papers
ISBN 9780954997700 , 2005 , Wendy Gunn
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
ISBN 9780762306374 , 2000 , Warren J. Samuels, Jeff E. Biddle
Addictions and Problem Drug Use: Issues in Behaviour, Policy, and Practice
ISBN 9781853024382 , 1998 , Michael Bloor, Fiona Wood
Concepts in Composition: Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing
ISBN 9781410606785 , 2002 , Irene L. Clark
The Practice of English Language Teaching
ISBN 9781405853118 , 2007 , Jeremy Harmer
The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781118526866 , 2014 , Peter T. Coleman, Eric C. Marcus
International Development Studies: Theories and Methods in Research and Practice
ISBN 9781412929448 , 2008 , Andy Sumner, Andrew Sumner, Michael A. Tribe
Engineering the User Interface: From Research to Practice
ISBN 9781848001350 , 2008 , Miguel Redondo, Crescencio Bravo, Manuel Ortega
A Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy: Its Theory and Practice, for the Use of Electrical Engineers, Students, and Operators
ISBN 9781147623048 , 2010 , James Erskine-Murray
Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning: Theory, Research, and Applications
ISBN 9780805858983 , 2007 , Barry J. Zimmerman, Dale H. Schunk
Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques
ISBN 9780803615847 , 2007 , Carolyn Kisner, Lynn Allen Colby
The Craft of Research, Third Edition
ISBN 9780226065663 , 2008 , 3. utgave , Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb,m.fl.
Conducting research in human geography: theory, methodology and practice
ISBN 9780582297975 , 1999 , Rob Kitchin, Nick Tate, Nicholas J. Tate
Qualitative Research Practice
ISBN 9780761947769 , 2004 , David Silverman, Giampietro Gobo, Clive Seale,m.fl.
Hopkins, the Self and God
ISBN 9780802074133 , 1993 , Sj, Walter J Ong, S.J.
The Landscape of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781452258065 , 2012