Søk: 'The Victorian "lives" of Jesus'
The Victorian period: the intellectual and cultural context of English literature, 1830-1890
ISBN 9780582493476 , 1994
Jesus fra Nasaret
ISBN 9788230202302 , 2004 , Aril Edvardsen
Women as Ritual Experts : The Religious Lives of Elderly Jewish Women in Jerusalem: The Religious Lives of Elderly Jewish Women in Jerusalem
ISBN 9780195111460 , 1996 , Susan Starr Sered
Anxious Pleasures: The Sexual Lives of an Amazonian People
ISBN 9780226307435 , 1987 , Thomas Gregor
Jesus i arabiske kilder
ISBN 9788299592055 , 2012 , Kareem S. Hamdi
Jesus freaks II
ISBN 9788230200971 , 2003 , Oddvar Nilsen, DC Talk, Martyrenes røst
Jesus i musikken
ISBN 9788278846940 , 2003 , Ella Gyri Groven, Martin Alfsen
Jesus og jeg
ISBN 9788230201022 , 2003 , Nina Smit
Angela and the Baby Jesus: (Adult Edition)
ISBN 9781416574705 , 2007 , Frank Mccourt, Loren Long, Vivian Cash,m.fl.
Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity
ISBN 9780802860705 , 2003 , Larry W. Hurtado
Jesus og Sakkeus
ISBN 9788271126063 , 2002 , Kari Lilleaasen
Jesus og Sakkeus
ISBN 9788271126056 , 2002 , Kari Lilleaasen
Under Jesus gjorde
ISBN 9788252034868 , 2002 , Mary Hoffmann
The worldly philosophers: the lives, times, and ideas of the great economic thinkers
ISBN 9780684862149 , 1999 , Robert L. Heilbroner
Lignelser Jesus fortalte
ISBN 9788252034271 , 2001 , Mary Hoffmann
Jesus i olabukser
ISBN 9788202188726 , 2000 , Robin Lindemuelder
Jesus ja Bartimaios
ISBN 9788271125769 , 2000 , Kari Lilleaasen, Gro T. Rykkelid, Birgit Andersen
Jesus ja Bartimeus
ISBN 9788271125400 , 2000 , Kari Lilleaasen, Gro T. Rykkelid, Britt Rajala
Jesus og Bartimeus
ISBN 9788271125363 , 2000 , Kari Lilleaasen, Gro T. Rykkelid
Jesus og Bartimeus
ISBN 9788271125271 , 2000 , Kari Lilleaasen, Gro T. Rykkelid
Jesus og borna
ISBN 9788271125332 , 2000 , Kari Lilleaasen
Jesus siggu biekka
ISBN 9788271125387 , 2000 , Kari Lilleaasen, Gro T. Rykkelid, Britt Rajala
Jesus stiller stormen
ISBN 9788271125356 , 2000 , Kari Lilleaasen, Gro T. Rykkelid
Jesus stiller stormen
ISBN 9788271125264 , 2000 , Kari Lilleaasen
Bli lik Jesus
ISBN 9788252032420 , 1999 , Max Lucado
Angels and Ministers: Four Plays of Victorian Shade and Character
ISBN 9780548291245 , 2007 , Laurence Housman
In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership
ISBN 9780232518290 , 1989 , Henri J. M. Nouwen
Connected: The Amazing Power of Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives
ISBN 9780007303601 , 2011 , Nicholas A. Christakis, James H. Fowler
Graphic Style: From Victorian to New Century
ISBN 9780810997912 , 2011 , Steven Heller, Seymour Chwast
Fortellinger om Jesus
ISBN 9788254105177 , 1998 , Maria Rius, Ignasi Ricart