Søk: 'The foundations of social research: meaning and perspective in the research process'
The SAGE Handbook of Qualitiative Research in Psychology
ISBN 9781412907804 , 2008 , Carla Willig, Wendy Stainton Rogers
Foundations of Communication Policy: Principles and Process in the Regulation of Electronic Media
ISBN 9781572733435 , 2001 , Philip M. Napoli
Doing social science: evidence and methods in empirical research
ISBN 9780230537903 , 2009 , Fiona Devine, Sue Heath
Methods in Behavioral Research
ISBN 9780071086288 , 2012 , Paul C. Cozby, Scott C. Bates
The Quality of Qualitative Research
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The Digital Divide: The Internet and Social Inequality in International Perspective
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Research Issues in the Learning and Teaching of Algebra
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Research Ethics for Social Scientists
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Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences: International Edition
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Academic Charisma and the Origins of the Research University
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Research Methods in Education
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Seven Rules for Social Research
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Research Methodology in the Medical and Biological Sciences
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Foundations of Clinical Research: Applications to Practice: International Edition
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Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology
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Mind, Brain, Body, And Behavior: The Foundations Of Neuroscience And Behavioral Research at the National Institutes of Health
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The Craft of Life Course Research
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The Craft of Life Course Research
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Past, Present and Future of Research in the Information Society
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Research Framework for Social Policy Development in the Asian Region
ISBN 9780889367036 , 1993 , Trinidad S. Osteria, TRINIDAD S AUTOR OSTERIA,m.fl.
Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences: International Edition
ISBN 9780205234967 , 2011 , Bruce L. Berg, Howard Lune
Research in Psychotherapy
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Research Methods: A Practical Guide for the Social Sciences
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The Craft of Research, 2nd edition
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Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences: Foundations and Applications
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Research and Teaching: Beyond the Divide
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Introduction to Social Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
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Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences: Foundations and Applications
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