Søk: 'The global politics of pesticides: forging consensus from conflicting interests'
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics
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Disaster and the Politics of Intervention
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The Best Interests of the Student: Applying Ethical Constructs to Legal Cases in Education
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A World at Total War: Global Conflict and the Politics of Destruction, 1937-1945
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Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
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Politics and Citizenship on the Eastern Baltic Seaboard: The Structuring of Democratic Politics from North-West Russia to Poland
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Principles of Corporate Finance - Global Edition
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Africa: the politics of suffering and smiling
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Brock Biology of Microorganisms: Global Edition
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The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics
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Disaster and the Politics of Intervention
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The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics
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A Global History: From Prehistory to the 21st Century
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The Politics of Globalization: A Reader
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The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations
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The International Politics of the Middle East
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Comparative Politics
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Visions of Politics
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