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Terrorism And War
ISBN 9781583224939 , 2002 , Howard Zinn, Anthony Arnove
In the Name of Osama Bin Laden: Global Terrorism and the Bin Laden Brotherhood
ISBN 9780822329916 , 2002 , Roland Jacquard
The Age of Revolution
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Comparative Literature in an Age of Globalization
ISBN 9780801883804 , 2006 , Haun Saussy,m.fl.
Ichina: The Rise of the Individual in Modern Chinese Society
ISBN 9788776940539 , 2010 , Rune Svarverud, Mette Halskov Hansen
Art in the Hellenistic Age
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American and British Jews in the age of the great migration
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No End to War: Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century
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Principles of Computer Security, CompTIA Security+ and Beyond
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Crossings: The Great Transatlantic Migrations, 1870-1914
ISBN 9780253209535 , 1995 , Walter T. K. Nugent
Digital Diversions: Youth Culture in the Age of Multimedia
ISBN 9781857288568 , 1998 , Julian Sefton-Green
Development of Practical Methods to Assess the Presence of Bacterial Pathogens in Water: Protecting Human Health
ISBN 9781843396888 , 2004 , William A. Yanko
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The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age
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The New Religious Intolerance: Overcoming the Politics of Fear in an Anxious Age
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The Making of the Economic Society
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The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World
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The case against perfection: ethics in the age of genetic engineering
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Discourse and the Construction of Society
ISBN 9780199372362 , 2014 , Bruce Lincoln
The Basics of Information Security: Understanding the Fundamentals of InfoSec in Theory and Practice
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Beyond Technology: Children's Learning in the Age of Digital Culture
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The Many Faces of National Security in the Arab World
ISBN 9780312083786 , 1993 , Bahgat Korany, Paul Noble, Rex Brynen
The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet
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Media Freedom: The Contradictions of Communications in the Age of Modernity
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European Societies in the Bronze Age
ISBN 9780521367295 , 2000 , Norman Yoffee, A.F. Harding, John Coles,m.fl.
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Scandinavia in the Age of Revolution: Nordic Political Cultures, 1740-1820
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