Søk: 'Vector Quantization and Signal Compression'
Foundations of Digital Signal Processing: Theory, Algorithms and Hardware Design
ISBN 9780852964316 , 2004 , Institution of Electrical Engineers,m.fl.
Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach
ISBN 9780201596199 , 2001 , Emmanuel C. Ifeachor, Barrie W. Jervis
The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
ISBN 9780966017632 , 1997 , Steven W. Smith
Analysis of Signal Integrity and Power Integrity at System Level: Statistical Co-Analysis, Robust Optimization and Diagnosis of USB 2.0 System for Signal and Power Integrity
ISBN 9783639303100 , 2010 , Jai Narayan Tripathi
FPGA-based implementation of signal processing systems
ISBN 9780470030097 , 2008 , Richard Turner, Roger Woods, John McAllister,m.fl.
An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods
ISBN 9780521780193 , 2000 , Nello Christianini, John Shawe-Taylor
Adaptive Signal Processing for Radar
ISBN 9780890065860 , 1991 , Ramon Nitzberg
A signal integrity engineer's companion: real-time test and measurement and design simulation
ISBN 9780131860063 , 2008 , David Ireland, Geoff Lawday, Peter Bush,m.fl.
A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing
ISBN 9780124666061 , 1999 , Stéphane G. Mallat
Digital Signal Processing: A Filtering Approach
ISBN 9780766815315 , 2000 , Steve White
Algorithms and Architectures for Machine Learning Based on Regularized Neural Networks and Support Vector Approaches
ISBN 9783826596407 , 2001 , Shaker Verlag GmbH
St Guide T/A Vector Cal 3e: Midlife
ISBN 9780716719809 , 1988 , 3. utgave , Jerrold E. Marsden, Anthony J. Tromba, Karen Pao,m.fl.
Div, grad, curl and all that: an informal text on vector calculus. 4th ed
ISBN 9780393925166 , 2005 , 4. utgave
First Course in Digital Signal Processing Using DADiSP
ISBN 9781845495022 , 2011 , Allen Brown, Zhang Jun
Schaums Outline of Digital Signal Processing, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780071635097 , 2011 , 2. utgave , Monson H. Hayes
Kommunikasjons-, signal- og alarmanlegg: teori, oppgaver, ...
ISBN 9788273452276 , 1995 , Frank Fosbæk, Helge Venås, Sverre Vangsnes
Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach
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Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach
ISBN 9780071226073 , 2002 , Sanjit Kumar Mitra
Student manual for digital signal processing with MATLAB
ISBN 9780131991088 , 2006 , Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle
Adenine Nucleotides in Cellular Energy Transfer and Signal Transduction: UNESCO
ISBN 9783764326739 , 1992 , S. Papa, A. Azzi, J.M. Tager
Intl Std Ed-Digital Signal Processing Using Matlab
ISBN 9780495244417 , 2007 , Vinay K. Ingle
Average and Edge Stresses for Thin Flat Aluminium Alloy Plates in Compression
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Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Estimation Theory
ISBN 9780133457117 , 1993 , Steven M. Kay
Analog Interfaces for Digital Signal Processing Systems
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Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory, and Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits
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Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal Processing with Matlab Algorithms
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Vlsi Digital Signal Processors: An Introduction to Rapid Prototyping and Design Synthesis
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The Csound Book: Perspectives in Software Synthesis, Sound Design, Signal Processing, and Programming
ISBN 9780262522618 , 2000 , Richard Boulanger
Elektroinstallasjon 3; kKommunikasjons-, signal- og alarmanlegg, VK1 elektro
ISBN 9788200416463 , 1995 , Birger Grønning, Roger Eide
Designing Embedded Systems with the SIGNAL Programming Language: Synchronous, Reactive Specification
ISBN 9781441909404 , 2009 , Abdoulaye Gamatie