Søk: 'Whitbread Round the World Race : responsible for the irresponsible'
Becker's World of the Cell
ISBN 9780321716026 , 2010
The Second World War
ISBN 9780712667029 , 2002 , Sir Winston S. Churchill
Out of the World
ISBN 9781900850605 , 2005 , Karl Ove Knausgeard
The desecularization of the world: resurgent religion and world politics
ISBN 9780802846914 , 1999 , Peter L. Berger
Krakatoa : the day the world exploded
ISBN 9780141015620 , 2003 , Simon Winchester
Changing the world: a framework for the study of creativity
ISBN 9780275947750 , 1994 , Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Howard Gardner,m.fl.
A History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780077119317 , 2006 , Lloyd S. Kramer, R. R. Palmer, Joel G. Colton
The World Bank and Education
ISBN 9789460919015 , 2012 , Steven J Klees, Nelly P Stromquist
How Information Technology is Conquering the World
ISBN 9780810887206 , 2012 , Kai A. Olsen
Taking on the World
ISBN 9780141006970 , 2003 , Ellen MacArthur
The World of Ancient Art
ISBN 9780500238271 , 2006 , John Boardman
China and the Developing World: Beijing's Strategy for the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780765617132 , 2007 , Joshua Eisenman, Eric Heginbotham, Derek Mitchell,m.fl.
Grasping the World: The Idea of the Museum
ISBN 9780754608356 , 2004 , Donald Preziosi, Claire J. Farago
Valuepack:HTML for the World Wide Web with XHTML/Javascript for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide, Student Edition / perl and CGI for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide.
ISBN 9781405853965 , 2006 , Tom Negrino, Elizabeth Castro
The Times Universal Atlas of the World
ISBN 9780007280650 , 2008
The Origins of the Second World War in Europe
ISBN 9781405840286 , 2007 , Philip Michael Hett Bell, P. M. H. Bell
Danny the Champion of the World
ISBN 9780141311326 , 2001 , Roald Dahl
The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World
ISBN 9780230355774 , 2013 , Mark J. Miller, Stephen Castles
Philosophy in the Modern World
ISBN 9780199546374 , 2008 , Anthony Kenny
Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web
ISBN 9780201735680 , 2001 , Elizabeth Castro
China and the developing world: Beijing's strategy for the twenty-first century
ISBN 9780765617125 , 2007 , Joshua Eisenman, Eric Heginbotham, Derek Mitchell
The Oxford History of the Roman World
ISBN 9780192802033 , 2001 , Oswyn Murray, John Boardman, Jasper Griffin
Jains in the World
ISBN 9780195132342 , 2001 , John E. Cort
A little history of the world
ISBN 9780300143324 , 2014 , Ernst Hans Gombrich
ISBN 9780140868678 , 1999 , Roald Dahl
The Race Card: Campaign Strategy, Implicit Messages and the Norm of Equality
ISBN 9780691070711 , 2001 , Tali Mendelberg
Languages of the World: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521175777 , 2012 , Asya Pereltsvaig
The World of Buddhism
ISBN 9780500276280 , 1991 , Richard Gombrich, Heinz Bechert
Where the World Ended
ISBN 9780520214774 , 1999
An Introduction to Revenue Management For The Hospitality Industry: Principles and Practices for the Real World
ISBN 9780131885899 , 2008 , Kimberly A. Tranter, Trevor Stuart-Hill,m.fl.