Søk: 'Wild and Dangerous Performances: Animals, Emotions, Circus'
Emotions, the Social Bond, and Human Reality: Part/Whole Analysis
ISBN 9780521585453 , 1997 , Antony Manstead, Thomas J. Scheff
Moral Threats and Dangerous Desires: Aids in the News Media
ISBN 9780748401802 , 1994 , Deborah Lupton
Saving the Modern Soul: Therapy, Emotions, and the Culture of Self-Help
ISBN 9780520253735 , 2008
A Communion of Subjects: Animals in Religion, Science, And Ethics
ISBN 9780231136426 , 2006 , Paul Waldau, Kimberley Christine Patton
Animal Science: The Biology, Care, and Production of Domestic Animals
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Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals on Stamps - A Worldwide Catalogue
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Women who Run with the Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman
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Creating a Healthy Life and Marriage: A Holistic Approach: Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit
ISBN 9780984387502 , 2010 , Judith Desjardins
Arctic animals: and their adaptations to life on the edge
ISBN 9788251920506 , 2005 , Arnoldus Schytte Blix
The Ethology of Domestic Animals: An Introductory Text
ISBN 9781845935368 , 2009 , P. Jensen
Using Humor to Maximize Learning: The Links Between Positive Emotions and Education
ISBN 9781578867325 , 2007 , Mary Kay Morrison
Population Ecology: A Unified Study of Animals and Plants
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Saving the Modern Soul: Therapy, Emotions, and the Culture of Self-Help
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Using Humor to Maximize Learning: The Links Between Positive Emotions and Learning
ISBN 9781578867318 , 2007 , Mary Kay Morrison
The Age of Wild Ghosts: Memory, Violence, and Place in Southwest China
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Body Projects in Japanese Childcare: Culture, Organization and Emotions in Preschool
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Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-truths, and Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-based Management
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Body in Mind: Explains the Link Between Emotions Food and You !.
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Drive Her Wild: 100 Sex Tips for Men
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Drive Him Wild: 100 Sex Tips for Women
ISBN 9780754813187 , 2004 , Katy Bevan, John Freeman
Emergency: One man's story of a dangerous world, and how to stay alive in it
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Social behavior in farm animals [electronic resource]
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The flying culinary circus: den aller beste, lureste og mest praktiske kokeboken
ISBN 9788275473965 , 2011 , The flying culinary circus, Ingvar Eriksson,m.fl.
A Life Wild and Perilous: Mountain Men and the Paths to the Pacific
ISBN 9780805033045 , 1997 , Robert Utley
Bach Flower Card for Dogs, Cats, Small Animals and Horses - Behaviours and Mental States
ISBN 9783868111019 , 2007 , Verlag Hawelka
The Ethology of Domestic Animals: An Introduction Text
ISBN 9780851996028 , 2002 , Per Jensen
Issues in green criminology: confronting harms against environments, humanity and other animals
ISBN 9781843922193 , 2007 , Nigel South, Piers Beirne
Animals as Teachers & Healers: True Stories & Reflections
ISBN 9780345421173 , 1998 , Susan Chernak McElroy
Best Laid Schemes: The Psychology of the Emotions
ISBN 9780521423878 , 1992
A Dangerous Mind: Carl Schmitt in Post-war European Thought
ISBN 9780300099324 , 2003 , Jan-Werner Muller