Søk: 'Women in spiritual and communitarian societies in the United States'
Citizenship and Rights in Multicultural Societies
ISBN 9781853311123 , 1996
Democracy in Muslim societies: the Asian experience
ISBN 9780761935667 , 2007 , Zoya Hasan
Identity and Participation in Culturally Diverse Societies
ISBN 9781444328158 , 2010 , Xenia Chryssochoou, Assaad E. Azzi,m.fl.
Democracy and Human Rights in Multicultural Societies
ISBN 9789231040504 , 2007 , UNESCO, Matthias Koenig,m.fl.
Democracy and Human Rights in Multicultural Societies
ISBN 9780754670308 , 2007 , Matthias Koenig, Paul de Guchteneire,m.fl.
Democracy and Human Rights in Multicultural Societies
ISBN 9780754670292 , 2007 , Matthias Koenig, Paul de Guchteneire
The Fleet the Gods Forgot: The United States Asiatic Fleet in World War II
ISBN 9781557509284 , 1994 , Walter G. Winslow
Women in Tibet, Past and Present
ISBN 9781850656531 , 2005 , Janet Gyatso, Hanna Havnevik
Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics: teachers' understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States
ISBN 9780805829082 , 1999 , Liping Ma
A Treatise On the Criminal Law As Now Administered in the United States, Volume 2
ISBN 9781147227703 , 2010 , Emlin McClain
Debating Multiculturalism in the Nordic Welfare States
ISBN 9780230360198 , 2013 , Osten Wahlbeck
Crisis and crossfire: the United States and the Middle East since 1945
ISBN 9781574888201 , 2005 , Peter L. Hahn
An Emotional History of the United States
ISBN 9780814780886 , 1998 , Peter N. Stearns, Jan Lewis
Women and religion in the Middle East and the Mediterranean
ISBN 9788274771581 , 2004 , Inger Marie Okkenhaug, Ingvar B. Mæhle
A Guide for Parents: Understanding Policies of the Public School System in the United States
ISBN 9781438934105 , 2009 , Dr. Elaine Sutton Robertson
The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies
ISBN 9781614271239 , 2011 , Marcel Mauss, E. E. Evans-Pritchard, Ian Cunnison
American Orientalism: The United States and the Middle East Since 1945
ISBN 9780807858981 , 2008 , Douglas Little
Cultures and Societies in a Changing World
ISBN 9780761930488 , 2004 , Wendy Griswold
An Emotional History of the United States
ISBN 9780814780879 , 1998 , Peter N. Stearns, Jan Lewis
Conflict Management in Divided Societies: Theories and Practice
ISBN 9780415563741 , 2011 , Stefan Wolff
After the Apple: Women in the Bible: Women In the Bible - Timeless Stories of Love, Lust, and Longing
ISBN 9781401359805 , 2006 , Naomi Harris Rosenblatt
Women Artists: In the 20th and 21st Century
ISBN 9783822824375 , 2004 , Uta Grosenick, Ilka Becker
Advance Directives and Surrogate Decision Making in Health Care: United States, Germany, and Japan
ISBN 9780801858314 , 1998 , Dr Hans-Martin Sass
Women Artists: In the 20th and 21st Century
ISBN 9783822858547 , 2001 , Uta. Grosenick, Ilka Becker
Not Just Black and White: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States
ISBN 9780871542595 , 2004 , Nancy Foner, George M. Fredrickson
Women in Islam: The Western Experience
ISBN 9780203164457 , 2003 , Anne-Sofie Roald
After the Apple: Women in the Bible: Women In the Bible - Timeless Stories of Love, Lust, and Longing
ISBN 9780786869084 , 2005 , Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Naomi Rosenblatt
Peacebuilding In Postconflict Societies: Strategy And Process
ISBN 9781588263117 , 2005 , Ho-Won Jeong
Popular Religious Magazines of the United States
ISBN 9780313285332 , 1995 , Mark Fackler
Global Care Work: Gender and Migration in Nordic Societies
ISBN 9789185509485 , 2011 , Lise Widding Isaksen