Søk: 'Child care choices: balancing the needs of children, families, and society'
Brand Society: How Brands Transform Management and Lifestyle
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Wiley Pathways Health Care Economics
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Europe and Civil Society: Movement Coalitions and European Governance
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Church and Society in England, 1000-1500
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History of the Modern World
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Market society: markets and modern social theory
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Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology: From Theory to Practice
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Teaching Young Language Learners: An accessible guide to the theory and practice of teaching English to children in primary education.
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First, Do No Harm: The Dramatic Story of Real Doctors and Patients Making Impossible Choices at a Big-City Hospital
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Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs Reports on End-Of-Life Care
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Accepting Population Control: Urban Chinese Women and the One-Child Family Policy
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Care And Conservation Of Manuscripts 6: Proceedings Of The Sixth International Seminal Held At The Royal Library, Copenhagen 19th-20th October 2000
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Classic Tales for Children
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One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society
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Crime and Society in England, 1750-1900
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Architects of the Information Society: 35 Years of the Laboratory for Computer Science at MIT
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After-School Programs that Promote Child and Adolescent Development: Summary of a Workshop
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Media and the Make-believe Worlds of Children: When Harry Potter Meets Pokémon in Disneyland
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Media and the Make-Believe Worlds of Children: When Harry Potter Meets Pokémon in Disneyland
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The Glaucoma Book: A Practical, Evidence-Based Approach to Patient Care
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The Mind and Society (Trattato Di Sociologia Generale): Non-Logical Conduct
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Health Care Economics
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