Søk: 'Economic Policy 38'
A Paradigm for the New World Order: A Schools-Of-Thought Analysis of American Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War ERA
ISBN 9780333683880 , 1997 , John C. Hulsman
The Bloody Flag: Post-Communist Nationalism in Eastern Europe : Spotlight on Romania
ISBN 9781560006206 , 1992 , Juliana Geran Pilon,m.fl.
Council Recommendation of 12 July 1999 on the broad guidelines of the economic policies of the Member States and of the Community: (OJ L 217, 17.8.1999, p.34)
ISBN 9789282417102 , 1999 , Council of the European Union
The 1836 national tithe files database on CD ROM: a socio-economic survey of land use and the agricultural economy : a guide and tutorial to the CD ROM
ISBN 9781857110692 , 1995 , Roger J. P. Kain
International migration challenges in a new era: policy perspectives and priorities for Europe, Japan, North America and the international community : a report to the Trilateral Commission
ISBN 9780930503697 , 1993 , Doris M. Meissner, Robert D. Hormats,m.fl.
Chaos, management and economics: the implications of non-linear thinking
ISBN 9780255363334 , 1994 , Ralph D. Stacey, David Parker,m.fl.
Choice Well Made: Users' Perceptions of Living in Residential Care
ISBN 9781901097405 , 2000 , Leonie Kellaher, Methodist Homes for the Aged,m.fl.
Confiscation and Money Laundering: Law and Practice : a Guide for Enforcement Authorities
ISBN 9780113411382 , 1997 , International Criminal Policy Division,m.fl.
A Framework for Monetary Stability: Paper and Proceedings of an International Conference Organised by De Nederlandsche Bank and the CentER for Economic Research at Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 1993
ISBN 9780792326670 , 1994 , J. A. H. de Beaufort Wijnholds,m.fl.
ECOMOG and Eurocorps: Models of an African Strategic Peace Equation? : an Independent Study for the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
ISBN 9789780471972 , 1996
European factor mobility: trends and consequences : proceedings of the Conference of the Confederation of European Economic Associations, University of Kent at Canterbury, 29 June-3 July 1986
ISBN 9780333459430 , 1989 , Ian Gordon, A. P. Thirlwall,m.fl.
Foreign direct investment and the environment
ISBN 9789264171275 , 1999 , m.fl.
Developing Biomarker-Based Tools for Cancer Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment: The State of the Science, Evaluation, Implementation, and Economics – Workshop Summary
ISBN 9780309101349 , 2006 , National Academy of Sciences, Sharyl J. Nass,m.fl.
Allocating Resources for Special Educational Needs Provision
ISBN 9780906730607 , 1994 , m.fl.
Improving Access to Public Transport
ISBN 9789282113233 , 2004 , m.fl.
Controlling the Growth of Monetary Aggregates
ISBN 9780898382266 , 1987 , Robert H. Rasche, James M. Johannes,m.fl.
Educational Research and Innovation Are the New Millennium Learners Making the Grade? Technology Use and Educational Performance in PISA 2006: Technology Use and Educational Performance in PISA 2006
ISBN 9789264017733 , 1978 , Centre for Educational Research and Innovation,m.fl.
Cyberpayments and Money Laundering: Problems and Promise
ISBN 9780833026163 , 1998 , Roger C. Molander, David A. Mussington,m.fl.
China on the Move: A Franco-American Analysis of Emerging Chinese Strategic Policies and Their Consequences for Transatlantic Relations
ISBN 9780833036766 , 1999 , David C. Gompert, François Godement,m.fl.