Søk: 'Foundations of Sports and Exercise Psychology'
Getting stronger: weight training for men and women : sports training, general conditioning, bodybuilding
ISBN 9780679732693 , 1986 , Bill Pearl, Gary T. Moran
An Introduction to Developmental Psychology
ISBN 9781405186520 , 2011 , Alan Slater, J. Gavin Bremner
Abnormal Child Psychology
ISBN 9780534342906 , 1999 , Eric J. Mash, David Wolfe
Rational Choice in an Uncertain World: The Psychology of Judgement and Decision Making
ISBN 9780761922759 , 2001 , Reid Hastie, Robyn M. Dawes
Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge about Human Nature
ISBN 9780071124713 , 2001 , David M. Buss, Randall Larsen
All in the Mind: The Essence of Psychology
ISBN 9781861562456 , 2001 , Adrian Furnham
Studyguide for Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior by Passer & Smith, ISBN 9780073133683
ISBN 9781428821163 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
The Handbook of Social Psychology: 2-Volume Set
ISBN 9780195213768 , 1998 , Gardner Lindzey, Daniel Todd Gilbert
Applied Psychology for Social Work
ISBN 9781844453566 , 2010 , Ewan Ingleby
Biological Psychology: New Research
ISBN 9781604562408 , 2008
Psychology Study Guide 2e
ISBN 9780205465460 , 2006 , 2. utgave , Nicky Brunswick
Psychology: a beginner's guide
ISBN 9781851686025 , 2008
Casebook in abnormal psychology
ISBN 9780534605865 , 2006 , Timothy A. Brown, David H. Barlow
Alcoholism and women: the background and the psychology
ISBN 9780919123106 , 1983
Clinical child and adolescent psychology: from theory to practice
ISBN 9780470012567 , 2006 , Martin Herbert
From GSM to Lte: Writing in Psychology, Education, Nursing, and Sociology
ISBN 9780470667118 , 2010
Valuepack: Physiology of Behavior: International Edition with Psychology Dictionary
ISBN 9781405841252 , 2006 , Arthur S. Reber
Psychopathology: Research, Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Psychology [With DVD]
ISBN 9781405132244 , 2008 , Graham C. Davey
Study Skills for Psychology Students
ISBN 9780335229093 , 2008 , Jennifer Latto, Richard Latto
Exploring Social Psychology
ISBN 9780071188326 , 2000 , Myers
Clinical Psychology in Ireland: Empirical studies of problems and treatment processes in adults
ISBN 9780773473393 , 2002 , Alan Carr
A History of Personality Psychology: Theory, Science, and Research from Hellenism to the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780521116329 , 2010 , Frank Dumont
Ethics and Personality: Essays on Moral Psychology
ISBN 9780226141282 , 1992 , John Deigh
Ethics and Personality: Essays on Moral Psychology
ISBN 9780226141275 , 1992 , John Deigh
Foundations for Local Governance: Decentralization in Comparative Perspective
ISBN 9783790820058 , 2008 , Fumihiko Saito
The Psychology Of Behaviour At Work: The Individual In The Organisation
ISBN 9781841695044 , 2005 , Adrian Furnham
ISBN 9780335236343 , 2008 , WILLIG
Statistics for Psychology: International Edition
ISBN 9780205895342 , 2012 , Arthur Aron, Cole Publishing, Elliot Coups
Advances in Personality Psychology
ISBN 9780203000953 , 2005 , Andrzej Eliasz, Sarah E. Hampson, Boele de Raad
Educational Psychology (Book Alone)
ISBN 9780205459469 , 2007 , Anita E. Woolfolk-Hoy