Søk: 'Looseleaf for Health Psychology'
Metode og oppgaveskriving for studenter
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Online Course Pack:Psychology/MyPsychLab CourseCompass Access Card:Martin, Psychology, 3e/Introduction to Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology
ISBN 9781405888257 , 2007 , 3. utgave , Neil Martin, Nicky Brunswick
A Sociology of Mental Health and Illness
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Personality psychology: domains of knowledge about human nature
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Etikk for pedagoger
ISBN 9788205462816 , 2014 , Lars Gunnar Lingås
Blood That Cries Out From the Earth:The Psychology of Religious Terrorism: The Psychology of Religious Terrorism
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Rational Choice in an Uncertain World: The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making
ISBN 9781412959032 , 2010 , Reid Hastie, Robyn M. Dawes
Adolescent Health: The Role of Individual Differences
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Anatomy and Physiology Applied to Health Professions
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Community Health and Wellness: A Socioecological Approach
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Studyguide for the Sociology of Health, Healing, and Illness by Weiss & Lonnquist, ISBN 9780130981370: 0130981370
ISBN 9781428816947 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Health and Disease in Developing Countries
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Psykologi for sosial- og helsefagene
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Psychology: The Science of Behaviour
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Public Health and Safety at Work: Non-Ionizing Radiation - Sources, Exposure and Health Effects
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Atkinson and Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology
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An Introduction to Applied Cognitive Psychology
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Foundations of Exercise Psychology, 2nd Edition
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Foundations of Sports and Exercise Psychology
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How to Think Straight About Psychology
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Methods Of Research In Social Psychology
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Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States [With CDROM]
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